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  1. To know what is the time of Isha prayer is very simple. The timing of the Isha prayer in Islam varies based on geographical location and the time of year. Isha is the fifth and final daily prayer and is performed after sunset, when the red twilight in the sky disappears and complete darkness sets in. It is typically recommended to perform the Isha prayer as soon as this time begins, as delaying it unnecessarily is discouraged in Islamic tradition.

    Isha begins roughly 90 minutes right after Maghrib prayer its exact start time depends on the length of the night. Say Isha prayer before midnight to perform it correctly.

    To find the accurate timing for the Isha prayer in your specific location, you can refer to local Islamic centers, mosques, or use various online resources and smartphone apps that provide daily prayer times based on your geographical coordinates. Additionally, you can calculate the Isha prayer time using astronomical methods or consult reliable Islamic calendars.

  2. the time of isha prayer is change acording the country but one thing is same when the time of magrib closed then time of isha start

  3. The time or prayer Isha  in Pakistan 8.07 pm.

  4. Depends on different world time zones but normally it starts an hour after Maghrib prayer and end before 15 minutes to Fajar prayer.

  5. The timing of the Isha prayer, one of the five daily prayers in Islam, varies according to the location and the position of the sun. Isha prayer is performed after sunset when the sky has fully darkened, following the Maghrib prayer.

    The precise time for Isha prayer is subject to change throughout the year due to the geographical location’s latitude and local methods of calculating prayer times. Therefore, the specific time for Isha prayer will differ from one region to another.

    To ascertain the accurate Isha prayer time for a particular location and date, individuals can refer to local Islamic prayer schedules, Islamic websites or apps that provide prayer time information, or seek guidance from their local mosque or Islamic center, which often disseminates prayer schedules for the community. Additionally, there are online tools and calculators available that can help determine prayer times based on the specific geographical location and date.

  6. 8:00 pm in Pakistan is the time of Isha Prayer.

  7. Its time starts from the disappearance of the twilight(the redness)on the eastern horizon after sunset and this is agreed upon. There is a difference of opinion about the end timing for it, some say it is midnight, others say it is one-third of the night and the prevalent view is the onset of dawn is the last time for Isha prayer.

  8. The time for the Isha prayer, one of the five daily prayers in Islam, begins after half an hour of Maghrib Prayer and lasts until the middle of the night. The exact timing of the Isha prayer varies depending on your location and the method of calculation used by your local Islamic authority or mosque.

  9. The time of isha prayer is after sunset when the red twilight disappears and and sky gets complete darkness

  10. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The time of ‘Isha is until midnight” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Masaajid wa Mawadi’ al-Salah, 964).

  11. The earliest time of Ishaa is the disappearance of the whiteness of the western horizon and continues till dawn. Its a prayer between the sunset and mid night.Time for Witr prayer is after Ishaa until dawn

  12. The time for the Isha prayer in Islam begins right after the Maghrib (sunset) prayer time ends and continues until the middle of the night. The specific time for Isha prayer can vary depending on your geographical location and the time of year due to variations in sunset and nightfall times.

  13. It should be noted that after the sunset, the sky becomes white after the red, after the end of that whiteness, the time for the Isha prayer starts and it lasts until the time of Fajr as-Sadiq. It keeps happening, so the time between Maghrib and Isha cannot be determined; Because the amount of this time varies from month to month in each region and season, it cannot be definitively determined, however, nowadays a map of prayer times is available in every city, it is better if it is restricted accordingly.

    تبیین الحقائق میں ہے:

    “قال – رحمه الله – (والمغرب منه إلى ‌غروب ‌الشفق) أي وقت المغرب من وقت غروب الشمس إلى ‌غروب ‌الشفق لقوله – عليه الصلاة والسلام – «وقت صلاة المغرب ما لم يسقط نور الشفق» رواه مسلم…قال – رحمه الله – (وهو البياض) أي الشفق هو البياض وهذا عند أبي حنيفة وهو قول أبي بكر الصديق وأنس ومعاذ بن جبل وعائشة ورواية عن ابن عباس وبه قال عمر بن عبد العزيز وكثير من السلف واختاره المبرد وثعلب اللغويان…قال – رحمه الله – (والعشاء والوتر منه إلى الصبح) أي وقت العشاء والوتر من غروب الشفق إلى طلوع الفجر أما أوله فقد أجمعوا أنه يدخل بمغيب الشفق على اختلافهم في الشفق.”

    (كتاب الصلاة، مواقيت الصلاة، ج:1، ص:80-81، ط:دار الكتاب الإسلامي)

    فتاوی شامی میں ہے:

    “(و) وقت (المغرب منه إلى) غروب (الشفق وهو الحمرة) عندهما…قال العلامة قاسم: فثبت أن قول الإمام هو الأصح، ومشى عليه في البحر مؤيدا له بما قدمناه عنه، من أنه لا يعدل عن قول الإمام إلا لضرورة من ضعف دليل أو تعامل بخلافه كالمزارعة…(و) وقت (العشاء والوتر منه إلى الصبح، )…(قوله: منه) أي من غروب الشفق على الخلاف فيه بحر.”

    (‌‌كتاب الصلاة، ج:1، ص:361، ط:سعيد)

    The fatwa is in Darul Uloom Deoband:

    Question: After how long is the time of Isha? And in which book of fiqh is its estimated time written according to the Hanafis? For example, it comes in an hour and a half, some people deny such a delay.

    Answer: In the books of fiqh, it is written in the same amount, that according to Imam Abu Hanifah, it is the time of Isha when the twilight disappears, the calculation of the hour and the clock is not in the books of fiqh, this matter is related to observation, how long after the sunset. After that, the whiteness of the twilight disappears? So, according to the writings of the experts, its duration is about one and a half hours in December, January and February. In summer, it sometimes exceeds one and a half hours to two or four minutes, and in some seasons it is less. They happen. Only

    (Book of Salat, Chapter Al-Awal Fi Al-Muqaqit and Related, Chapter I Times of Salat, Volume: 2, P.: 55, I: Dar Al-Isha’at)

    Only God knows

  14. Isha is the prayer of night therefore it’s time starts when the red twilight disappears from the sky and it’s time finish when fajar time starts. Although Isha prayer can be offered in the whole night at any time but it is makroh to unnecessary delay till midnight.

  15. The time for the Isha prayer in Islam starts after the twilight has disappeared and the sky becomes fully dark. It typically begins shortly after sunset and can extend until approximately halfway between sunset and midnight.

    The exact timing for the Isha prayer varies depending on your geographical location and the time of year because it’s based on the position of the sun in relation to the horizon. To find the precise time for the Isha prayer in your area, you can refer to Islamic prayer timetables, consult with your local mosque, or use smartphone apps designed to provide prayer times based on your location. It’s important to perform the Isha prayer within its designated time to ensure it is valid.

  16. When the whiteness of the sky ends, the Isha counter starts and continues until dawn.

  17. After the sky start becoming dark and whiteness starts disappearing