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  1. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    The brown discharge that comes out after menstruation should wait until it stops. Because the brown discharge that comes out after menstrual blood is also menstrual. As Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "Do not hasten before you see the white discharge". If this is the case, you will abstaRead more

    The brown discharge that comes out after menstruation should wait until it stops. Because the brown discharge that comes out after menstrual blood is also menstrual. As Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “Do not hasten before you see the white discharge“. If this is the case, you will abstain from prayer, fasting, and perform fasting after purification.

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  1. In Islam, five prayers are obligatory in a day. 1. Fajr prayer. 2. Zuhr prayer. 3. Asr prayer. 4.Maghreb prayer. 5.Isha prayer. While according to Fiqa Hanafi, only one prayer is obligatory, which is called Witr prayer and its time is from the time of Isha prayer to the start of Fajr.

    In Islam, five prayers are obligatory in a day. 1. Fajr prayer. 2. Zuhr prayer. 3. Asr prayer. 4.Maghreb prayer. 5.Isha prayer. While according to Fiqa Hanafi, only one prayer is obligatory, which is called Witr prayer and its time is from the time of Isha prayer to the start of Fajr.

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  1. رفع یدین  ضروری نہیں ہے (مطلب کہ فرض یا واجب نہیں ہے) البتہ تکبیر تحریمہ اور دعائے قنوت کے وقت سنت مؤقدہ ہے اور اس کے علاوہ اولی اور غیر اولی ہے کچھ علماء اور کو اولی سمجھتے اور کچھ غیر اولی

    رفع یدین  ضروری نہیں ہے (مطلب کہ فرض یا واجب نہیں ہے) البتہ تکبیر تحریمہ اور دعائے قنوت کے وقت سنت مؤقدہ ہے اور اس کے علاوہ اولی اور غیر اولی ہے کچھ علماء اور کو اولی سمجھتے اور کچھ غیر اولی

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  1. Khushu means submission to ALLAH and tranquility. A servant’s regarding his/her self low and servile, and submitting to Almighty Allah with his/her heart full of tremble and fear before Allah’s magnificence, being humble and submissive before the All-Knower of the unseen. In order to develop it in nRead more

    Khushu means submission to ALLAH and tranquility. A servant’s regarding his/her self low and servile, and submitting to Almighty Allah with his/her heart full of tremble and fear before Allah’s magnificence, being humble and submissive before the All-Knower of the unseen.

    In order to develop it in namaz, you should have fear of almighty ALLAH that he knows what’s inside my heart and mind and think about the scenario of the day of judgement and remember that he is merciful.

    InshAllah by the time, Khushu and khudu develop in your namaz.

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  1. اس دور میں بہت سی من گھڑت احادیث لوگوں میں مشھور ہے جس میں یہ بھی شامل ہے صحیح احادیث میں ایسی کوئی حدیث نہیں ملتی ہے

    اس دور میں بہت سی من گھڑت احادیث لوگوں میں مشھور ہے جس میں یہ بھی شامل ہے

    صحیح احادیث میں ایسی کوئی حدیث نہیں ملتی ہے

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