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  1. The western wall is important to Jews because it is he closest geographically . the wall is sometimes called the Wailling wall while the Wailling wall today is universally acclaimed as Judaism's most sacred monument ,it's centrality to the religion is not as ancient as is commonly thought.

    The western wall is important to Jews because it is he closest geographically . the wall is sometimes called the Wailling wall while the Wailling wall today is universally acclaimed as Judaism’s most sacred monument ,it’s centrality to the religion is not as ancient as is commonly thought.

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  1. Different religions and philosophies have varying views on the concept of the soul: 1. How Different Religions View the Concept of the Soul: Islam: In Islam, the soul, known as the "nafs," is a fundamental aspect of a person's existence. It is considered immortal and eternal. The soul's ultimate desRead more

    Different religions and philosophies have varying views on the concept of the soul:

    1. How Different Religions View the Concept of the Soul:

    • Islam: In Islam, the soul, known as the “nafs,” is a fundamental aspect of a person’s existence. It is considered immortal and eternal. The soul’s ultimate destiny is determined by one’s actions in this world. Believers who follow God’s guidance and do good deeds will attain a peaceful afterlife, while those who reject God’s guidance and commit evil deeds may face punishment.
    • Christianity: Christianity generally views the soul as immortal and created by God. Christian beliefs about the soul can vary among denominations. Some believe in the doctrine of “eternal life” where souls go to heaven or hell after death based on faith in Jesus Christ. Others believe in the concept of “purgatory,” a temporary state for purification.
    • Judaism: Judaism holds that the soul is eternal and created by God. There is a belief in an afterlife, but the details can vary among Jewish traditions. Some believe in resurrection, while others emphasize the idea of the soul’s journey and rejoining God.
    • Hinduism: Hinduism teaches a complex view of the soul, known as “Atman.” It is considered eternal, unchanging, and part of the universal consciousness (Brahman). The goal is to realize one’s oneness with Brahman through spiritual practices and break the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara).
    • Buddhism: Buddhism does not believe in an eternal soul (anatta). Instead, it teaches that the self is an illusion, and existence is a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara). The goal is to attain Nirvana, a state of liberation from suffering and rebirth.
    • Sikhism: Sikhs believe in the concept of the soul (Atma), which is considered a spark of the Divine (Waheguru). The goal is to merge the individual soul with the Universal Soul through devotion and righteous living.

    2. The Concept of the Soul’s Weight (Gram) in Islam:

    • In Islam, there is a belief that the actions and deeds of a person are weighed on the Day of Judgment. The Quran mentions that even an atom’s weight of good or evil will be brought forth for judgment (Quran, Surah Al-Zalzalah, 99:7-8).

    3. The Concept of a Naik (Good) Soul and a Bad Soul in Islam:

    • Islam emphasizes the importance of purifying the soul through righteous deeds, sincere worship, and moral conduct. A “naik” or good soul is one that is inclined towards good actions, obedience to God, and compassion for others.
    • Conversely, a “bad” soul is one that indulges in sinful behavior, rejects God’s guidance, and is selfish or harmful to others. It is important to strive for self-purification and seek God’s forgiveness to improve one’s soul.

    These views on the soul are central to each religion’s teachings and help shape their beliefs about the afterlife, morality, and the purpose of human existence.

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  1. A Buddha is one who has attained bodhi, which means wisdom the term Buddha literally means enlightened a knower. Buddhism is one of the world's largest religions Buddhists believe that human life is one of suffering Buddhism is the path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into tRead more

    A Buddha is one who has attained bodhi, which means wisdom the term Buddha literally means enlightened a knower. Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religions Buddhists believe that human life is one of suffering Buddhism is the path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of reality Buddhist practices like meditation are means of changing yourself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness and wisdom.

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  1. This answer was improved

    The history and origin of Christianity can be described as follows   *Origin* - Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. - It is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers. - The name "Christian" comes from the GreekRead more

    The history and origin of Christianity can be described as follows   *Origin* – Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. – It is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers. – The name “Christian” comes from the Greek word “christos,” which means “anointed one.”   *History* – Christianity originated in 1st-century Israel, based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. – It merged elements of ancient Judaism with aspects of the dominant Roman Empire culture. – The Christian Bible combines the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) and the New Testament (gospels, letters of Paul, and Book of Revelation). – Christianity developed from a small group of followers to a global religion, with significant events and figures shaping its history, such as the apostle Paul, Constantine, and the Reformation.   *Key Beliefs* – Christians believe in one God, consisting of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. – Jesus was sent to save the world, and his crucifixion and resurrection offer forgiveness of sins. – The Bible is the holy scripture, with the Old Testament shared with Judaism and the New Testament containing accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings. – The cross is a symbol of Christianity, and important holidays include Christmas (Jesus’ birth) and Easter (Jesus’ resurrection).

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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer
    Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer WhatsApp: +923226690723

    Religion and spirituality are two different concepts that have been explored, debated, and discussed for centuries. While many people use these terms interchangeably, they actually have distinct differences that set them apart. Writing an answer to the question "What is the difference between religiRead more

    Religion and spirituality are two different concepts that have been explored, debated, and discussed for centuries. While many people use these terms interchangeably, they actually have distinct differences that set them apart. Writing an answer to the question “What is the difference between religion and spirituality“, I will explore the differences between religion and spirituality in more depth. I will include in this answer about their definitions, histories, and implications for current society.

    Religion is defined as a specific set of organized beliefs, rituals, and practices that are associated with a particular faith or denomination. Religion often involves a hierarchical structure and a formal system of beliefs that is guided by a religious book, such as the Bible or the Quran. Religion can be seen as a social construct that provides a framework for people to understand their place in the world, their relationship to others.

    Religion has a long and complex history that spread cultures and time periods. From the ancient Greeks to the modern era, religion has played a central role in shaping human culture and society. Religion has been used to explain the mysteries of the natural world, provide moral guidance, and offer a sense of community and belonging.

    However, religion has also been the source of conflict, division, and abuse throughout history. Wars have been fought in the name of religion, and religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, persecution, and violence against marginalized groups. Religion has also been criticized for its rigid adherence to tradition and its resistance to change.

    Spirituality, on the other hand, is a more individualized and subjective experience that involves seeking a deeper connection with oneself, others, nature, or a spiritual power. Spirituality is often associated with personal growth, self discovery, and inner peace. Spirituality can be practiced within or outside of a religious framework, and it often involves meditation, prayer, and some other practices.

    While spirituality is often seen as an alternative to religion. It is important to note that many religious traditions also emphasize the importance of spirituality. For example, in Christianity, spirituality is often associated with the Holy Spirit, while in Buddhism, spirituality is focused on achieving enlightenment.

    One of the key differences between religion and spirituality is their emphasis on tradition. Religion is often associated with established institutions, such as churches, mosques, or temples, and may have a group of religious leaders who interpret and teach religious doctrines. In contrast, spirituality is often characterized by a more personal and subjective experience, one that is not necessarily bound by tradition or formal religious structures.

    Another difference between religion and spirituality is their focus on community. While religion often involves a sense of community and belonging, spirituality is often seen as a more individual pursuit. Spirituality can be practiced alone or with others, but it is not necessarily dependent on a sense of belonging to a specific religious community.

    In modern society, religion and spirituality continue to play a significant role in the lives of many people. While the influence of religion has declined in many parts of the world, spirituality has become increasingly popular as people search for meaning, purpose, and connection in their lives. Many people find that spirituality offers a more flexible and inclusive approach to exploring their relationship with themselves, others, and the world around them.

    However, there are also criticisms of spirituality, particularly as it is often associated with individualism and a lack of commitment to social and political change. Some argue that spirituality can be a form of escapism, one that prioritizes personal growth over collective action.

    In conclusion, religion and spirituality are two different concepts that have different histories, definitions, and implications for today world. While religion is often associated with established institutions and formal systems of beliefs, spirituality is characterized by a more personal and subjective experience of seeking a deeper connection with oneself, others, nature, or a spiritual power. While both religion and spirituality have their strengths and weaknesses, they both continue to play a significant role in shaping human culture, society, and individual lives.

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  1. The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods.14-Sept-2016

    The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods.14-Sept-2016

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  1. Ask Saint only consider the best answer if that answer is well written, very well explained, unique answer (not copied or pasted from other sources), has no spelling mistakes, no grammar mistakes, answer that makes sense and is relevant to the question. Similarly, the best answer should directly addRead more

    Ask Saint only consider the best answer if that answer is well written, very well explained, unique answer (not copied or pasted from other sources), has no spelling mistakes, no grammar mistakes, answer that makes sense and is relevant to the question.

    Similarly, the best answer should directly address the question asked by the person seeking an answer. It should not be a generic response or irreverent that does not provide any useful information for asked question.

    Ask Saint Consider the best answer that should be based on accurate information and reliable sources. It should not be based on personal opinions that are not backed up by facts.

    The answer should be clear and concise, without any unnecessary hard words that may confuse the person seeking the answer. It should be easy to understand clearly.

    The best answer should be sensitive to the cultural and religious beliefs of the person seeking the answer. It should not be offensive or disrespectful to their beliefs or practices.

    Moreover, all answers on Ask Saint have given the above qualities. If your answer has not been chosen as the best answer and you think your answer has all mentioned above qualities and should be considered the best answer, then you may contact us by filling out the contact form.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The second foster mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Suaiba Asslymiah. Suaiba was the maid of Abu Lahab, who was one of the uncles of the Prophet Muhammad and a loyal believer of Islam. Suaiba took in the young Muhammad after he returned from his fosterage with Halima SaadiaRead more

    The second foster mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Suaiba Asslymiah. Suaiba was the maid of Abu Lahab, who was one of the uncles of the Prophet Muhammad and a loyal believer of Islam.

    Suaiba took in the young Muhammad after he returned from his fosterage with Halima Saadia. However, the arrangement was short-lived, as Suaiba husband became suspicious of the child and asked her to return him to his mother Aminah.

    It is worth noting that Suaiba brief fosterage of the Prophet Muhammad is not widely known or mentioned in Islamic sources, and her role in his upbringing was relatively minor compared to that of Halima Saadia. The focus of Islamic tradition is primarily on the relationship between the Holy Prophet and his mother Aminah, as well as his first foster mother Halima Saadia.

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