The Masnoon Duain in Arabic with English and Urdu Translation are many of the most important prayers of the day. These dua’s are the daily prayer offered by Muslims in ...
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Women whom a man is prohibited (haram) from marrying
According to the Quran and Sunnah, a man cannot marry a particular woman if she is considered haram to him. Most prohibitions are lifelong, while some are temporary. If there ...

Setting, Upsetting, Resetting
If you want to be high in life, then just please do not be an obstacle in your way and move away from the front. The highest wall you will ...

Smiling is a Sunnah
Smiling is a Sunnah In one hadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was neither harsh in nature nor used to speak harshly. Instead, he would ...

Religiously think about child before marriage
Think about how to raise the child before marriage. Many will be surprised. Regarding my book “Father’s advice to children”, I have heard many people say that first I will ...

Be ready Ramadan is coming
Dear how much are we ready for Ramadan? The month of Ramadan of Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation is ongoing. Every moment of this month is blessed. This month is the ...

Repentance In Islam Hadith
How can I escape from the consequences of evil? Am I defeated by these mistakes? I don’t have a direct way anymore. Prophet Adam cried for two hundred years after ...

Charity In Islam Reward
Charity is a means of attaining nearness to Allah. There are two types of charity. 1. common charity; 2. Zarya in charity. Common charity is to donate money, clothes, food ...

The Spiritual Importance of Hajj: Lessons from Arafat and Mina
When you come back from Hajj, you have been born again in the same way as those who get up for the last third of the night worshipping to ask ...

A few suggestions for those answering Ask Saint.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you all. This is my first post on the Ask Saint platform. ...

The Halal Status of Seafood: Perspectives from Hanafi, Shafi’i, and Bohri Schools
Seafood is a popular and basic source of nutrition worldwide. In the context of Islamic dietary laws, the permissibility of seafood, including shellfish, and the Bohra community practice of Zibah ...