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3 Answers

    • The only woman whose personal name is mentioned in the Holy Quran is Maryam (Mary in English).

    2. Who is Maryam and who were her Father and Mother?

    • Maryam, known as Mary in English, is a revered figure in Islam. Her father’s name is Imran (Amram in Judeo-Christian tradition), and her mother’s name is not mentioned in the Quran.

    3. How old was Maryam when Isa (Jesus) was born?

    • The Quran does not specify Maryam’s age when Isa (Jesus) was born. Islamic tradition generally does not provide a specific age for Maryam at the time of Isa’s birth.

    4. In which Surah and part of the Quran is the story of Maryam mentioned?

    • The story of Maryam and the birth of Isa (Jesus) is primarily mentioned in Surah Maryam (Chapter 19) of the Quran.

    5. Why is Allah not the father of Isa (Jesus), and what is the Quranic clarification?

    • The Quran explicitly clarifies that Allah is not a father, and Isa (Jesus) is not the son of God. Isa’s miraculous birth to Maryam is emphasized as a sign of Allah’s power and the Quranic account reaffirms monotheism, emphasizing that Allah is unique and not a father in the human sense.
  1. she is the only woman who was been mentioned in the Holy Quran Maryam .

  2. The only woman whose personal name is mentioned in the Holy Quran is Maryam (Mary in English), the mother of Prophet Jesus (Isa in Arabic).