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4 Answers

  1. Mushrikeen were the people who didn’t convert to the Islam & continued worship their Idols & other gods. On the other hand, Munafiqeen were the people who pretended as Muslims but they didn’t believe in Islam from their hearts.

  2. السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللّٰہ وبرکتہ 🌹🌹

    (Mushrik) refers to a polytheist or someone who worships multiple gods or deities.

    And A person who appears to be a Muslim outwardly and adheres to the principles of Islam, but who is deeply committed to infidel beliefs or has doubts about Islamic beliefs, then such a person is called a hypocrite in the language of Sharia.

    واللہ اعلم بالصواب

  3. Mushrik believes in one god but creates different images and idols of God to worship them

    Munafiqeen is some one who has nafq I.e dead inside

  4. مشرکین ان لوگوں کو کہا جاتا ہے جنہوں نے سرے سے اسلام قبول ہی نہیں کیا اور سر عام اس کی مخالفت کی جب کہ منافقین بظاہر اسلام لے آئے تھے لیکن دل سے اسلام نہ لائے مسلمانوں کے سامنے اسلام کے مطابق زندگی گزارتے اورالگ ہو کر اسلام مخالف تدابیر کرتے