Ask Saint Latest Questions

  1. If you are a Christian, you may have heard that it is wrong to pray to saints. Many Protestants believe that praying to saints is wrong and a distraction from God. Catholics, on the other hand, believe that it is fine to ask the saints for prayer. Why Praying to Saints is Wrong? A common objection tRead more

    If you are a Christian, you may have heard that it is wrong to pray to saints. Many Protestants believe that praying to saints is wrong and a distraction from God. Catholics, on the other hand, believe that it is fine to ask the saints for prayer.

    Why Praying to Saints is Wrong?

    A common objection to praying to saints is that it violates the First Commandment, which says:

    You shall not make for yourself an idol (Ex. 20:4).

    Moreover, the Second Commandment prohibits the making of statues of any god. The Bible also says, that only one is acceptable between God and men, and that one is Jesus Christ. This means that no one should ever pray to the saints.

    Another common argument against prayers to the saints is wrong that they are not in heaven and thus do not go directly to God. However, this is simply a misconception that cannot be proven with Scripture.

    Saints are Christians in heaven who have died and are now in a heavenly place with God. They have a sincere interest in helping people on earth, and they can be a source of support in our difficult times.

    In Revelation chapter 5, we read that the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb and each one held a harp and a golden bowl full of incense. The prayers that they sang were the prayers of the saints in heaven.

    Unlike the dead who are in a state of “sleep” or those in heaven are conscious and alive. They are aware of their surroundings and the evil that exists on this earth.

    In the Bible, there are numerous passages that discourage the practice of praying to the saints. This is because the saints in heaven are not subject to the time and space limitations that exist in this life. Therefore, they can hear your prayers but can not answer them.

    Nevertheless, the Bible does not deny that these spirits can speak to us. Rather, we must recognize that these saints are the messengers of God’s love for us. Hence, we are not to seek out these saints to communicate with them, but instead to talk to them daily.

    Our goal should be to share our weaknesses with them and ask them to walk with us through those times. These saints are a model for holiness on earth, and we can copy their example of holiness to live a more perfect life with God.

    As a matter of fact, some Christians actually do ask the saints to pray for them. For example, some Catholics ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for them or to ask a particular saint to pray for them.

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  1. These are seven reasons we ask saints for their intercession. 1. Saints are role models who provide an example of living a holy life without sin and encourage us to do the same. Asking for their intercession on our behalf, connecting us to the God. 2. When we ask the saints for their intercession, wRead more

    These are seven reasons we ask saints for their intercession.

    1. Saints are role models who provide an example of living a holy life without sin and encourage us to do the same. Asking for their intercession on our behalf, connecting us to the God.

    2. When we ask the saints for their intercession, we realize that they have a strong relationship with God and can help us in make a closer connection with God.

    3. The word saint reminds us of the power of faith, prayer and human connection to God, even after death. Asking the saints to pray for our intentions is one way to connect with others on a spiritual level beyond any boundaries.

    4. Holiness that sainthood has is attainable by all believers, so asking them for their intercession helps remind us that holiness is possible in our own lives as well. We too can start to live sinless life and become more aware of how others may be praying for our success too.

    5. Ask saints for their intercession brings comfort during times of sorrow because it reminds us we are not alone in our struggles but have many in prayer joining us from heaven above.

    6. Many of these blessed saints lived difficult lives full of trials yet stayed faithful despite adversity. Praying through saints for their intercession gives inspiration courage during hard times.

    7. By asking saints for their intercession, we learn humility as we recognize both their greatness but is dependent upon God’s grace for salvation just like everyone else.

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  1. Saints have a unique closeness to God due to their faithfulness and purity of spirit. As great representatives of the tradition of holiness. They have an understanding of God's will that is both deep and profound. By asking saints to intercede on our behalf in prayer, we can be certain that the wordRead more

    Saints have a unique closeness to God due to their faithfulness and purity of spirit. As great representatives of the tradition of holiness. They have an understanding of God’s will that is both deep and profound. By asking saints to intercede on our behalf in prayer, we can be certain that the words we are offering are echoing up to Heaven with the full backing of strong spiritual advocates.

    Saints join us in our struggles with sin and difficulty. Saints role in our life as friends and companions who offer us comfort and hope even in our darkest moments. Saints lead us ever closer to a more realized relationship with God through deeper devotion and righteous living, reminding us that we too can strive for holiness.

    Saints are able to connect with Jesus in spiritual ways through their own grace filled lives that were lived purely for His glory. So when we ask them for intercede in praying for us it becomes an act of faith toward a greater purpose. Through their insight into prayer, wisdom about spiritual matters, intercessory power, and closeness to Christ these holy figures appeal directly to our Lord on behalf of ourselves or those around us.

    By intercede saints into our prayer life we provide ourselves with important role models capable of inspiring genuine conversion and transformation within our souls through fellowship together before the throne of grace. When saints pray with us and join their holiness alongside ours something beautiful takes place within each one of us.

    The reason we ask Saints for intercede for us in prayers because prayer is absolutely essential in maintaining our relationship with Christ. Prayers give us religious values on love and forgiveness.

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  1. Catholics believe that since the saints are already with God, they can more easily pray to Him on behalf of those asking for their help. The Catholic faith teaches that when someone prays to a saint, the saint may intercede with God and bring about a greater response from Him as compared to if a perRead more

    Catholics believe that since the saints are already with God, they can more easily pray to Him on behalf of those asking for their help. The Catholic faith teaches that when someone prays to a saint, the saint may intercede with God and bring about a greater response from Him as compared to if a person simply prayed directly to God.

    When Catholics pray to saints, they are praying for guidance in connecting with Jesus Christ. The saints can serve as guides or teachers for those who struggle with understanding or communicating with Jesus. In this way, prayer to the saints can direct people back towards Him so that they do not become distracted and stray away from their faith journey.

    Praying to saints can also help Catholics strengthen their faith by allowing them to focus more closely on the example of holiness demonstrated by the every saint being celebrated and invoked. By meditating and reflecting on their lives, we can better understand the ideas and principles of our religion. Which is why many use prayer as devotionals for strengthening their faith journey toward heaven and a closer relationship with God.

    Through praying to specific saints during particular times such as feast days or during special celebrations like All Saints’ Day. Catholics demonstrate appreciation for all of those who have gone before us as examples of living out Christian virtues in different situations throughout history. Ask Saints to pray for us enabling to identify better with our own struggles and grow our relationship with God through them.

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  1. We ask the saints to pray for us because we believe that they intercede on our behalf and serve as a powerful connection between God and humankind. The saints can provide guidance that is tailored specifically for the individual’s needs, ensuring that their prayer is both meaningful and effective. ARead more

    We ask the saints to pray for us because we believe that they intercede on our behalf and serve as a powerful connection between God and humankind. The saints can provide guidance that is tailored specifically for the individual’s needs, ensuring that their prayer is both meaningful and effective.

    Ask Saints for praying can bring spiritual protection into our lives by strengthening our faith in God’s power and providence. We know that having faith in the God plan can bring comfort and assurance during difficult times. so asking the saints to intercede on our behalf can provide us with this additional layer of protection against bad luck or misfortune.

    Asking the saints to pray for us shows others in our lives what it looks like to be devoted and faithful followers of God. By asking them for their help and guidance, we set an example that encourages others to do likewise.

    Saints are especially important because they have been canonized by the Church, which means that they have received special graces from God that allow them to more effectively intercede on someone else’s behalf when praying to Him on their behalf . As such, it is a great privilege to be able to call upon them who are so close to God due not only their pious lives but also through such graces granted them by Him.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies
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    A Step-by-Step Guide to that how to pray in Islam for women’s. Muslim women are obligated to pray five times a day, just like men. It's an important religious duty that must be done in order to stay close to Allah (SWT). These steps given here will help you learn how to perform salah as a woman. FroRead more

    A Step-by-Step Guide to that how to pray in Islam for women’s.

    Muslim women are obligated to pray five times a day, just like men. It’s an important religious duty that must be done in order to stay close to Allah (SWT). These steps given here will help you learn how to perform salah as a woman. From the moment of takbeerat (starting the prayer) until the very end, find out what controls your movement and thoughts during prayer.

    Understand the Foundation of Prayer

    The foundation of prayer in Islam is centered around the five pillars. As a woman, it’s important that you understand these five pillars before beginning your prayer rituals. These are the Shahada (abandonment of all false gods and beliefs and submission to one Allah); Salah or ritual prayer five times each day; Zakat (almsgiving); Sawm (fasting) during the month of Ramadan; and performing Hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a believer’s lifetime).

    1. Establish Your Wudu

    Before each of your prayers, it’s important for you to establish your wudu. This involves washing your face, arms, ears, mouth, nostrils, and feet with pure water 5 times each day. During wudu, it’s good practice to focus on intentions for the upcoming prayer you will be making. Wadu prepares your mind, body and soul for what’s ahead.

    3. Prepare Yourself Physically

    In order to pray properly while adhering to Islamic principles as a woman, you must ensure that you are prepared physically. Find yourself a quiet spot in your home where you can concentrate peacefully outdoors or indoors; then make sure that you are wearing loose-fitting appropriate such as an abbia or jilbab in accordance with Islamic modesty standards before you begin.

    4. Set Your Intention

    After wudu and physical preparation have been completed and you have assumed a position spiritually while standing before the presence of God Almighty. Now make Niyat, say that you are starting Fajar namaz (example). With two farz facing Kabbah. This is how you can set your intention to discuss which namaz you are saying that will be seeking nearness to Allah. This will strengthen your concentration on God even more.

    5. Now time to Perform Namaz (Prayer)
    • Stand
    • Say the first takbeer (Allahu Akbar) while moving your hands in the air close to your ears.

    • Hold hands on belly one after. First left hand then right hand upon.

    • Recite your first dua.

      سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وبِحَمْدِكَ وتَبَارَكَ اسْمُكَ وتَعَالَى جَدُّكَ ولا إِلَهَ غَيْرُكَ

    • After first dua say “Surah Fatiha”
    • Ready any Verse or “Surah” from Quran.
    • Say Allahu Akbar Now is the Raku time.
    • Raku is when you touch both your hands to the knees and say three times:

      سُبْحَانَ رَبِّي الْعَظِيْم

    • After raising from Raku Stand leave your hands down and say:

      سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَه

    • After still stand say:

      ربَّنا لَكَ الحَمْد

    • Now Sajud time say Allahu Akbar and move toward the ground. Touch your forehead, your palms to the ground, and say three times:

      سُبْحَانَ رَبِّي الأَعْلَى

    • Again say “Allahu Akbar and sit up and again move down while saying “Allahu Akbar” and repeat the previous step twice.
    • That was the first cycle and repeat the same again and at last sit and keep your palms on your knees and say:

      التَّحِيَّاتُ للِه وَ الصَّلَوَاتُ و الطَّيِّبَاتُ السَّلامُ عَليْكَ أيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ و رَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكاتُهُ السَّلامُ عَلَيْنا و عَلَى عِبَادِ اللهِ الصَّالِحِيْنَ أشْهَدُ أنْ لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ و أشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحمَّداً عبْدُهُ و رَسُولُهُ

    • After the dua read darood e ibrahimi and then say this dua:

      ربَّنا آتِنا في الدُّنْيا حَسَنَة و في الآخرةِ حَسَنَة وَقِنا عَذابَ النّار

    • Last step move your face to right side and then the left side and each time say:

      السَّلامُ عَليْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ الله

    I just have tried to explain in short. It may sound complex but honestly, it is very easy.

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  1. 1. Praying to saints instead of directly to God: According to the Bible, Christians are supposed to direct their prayers and worship only to God or Jesus. It is wrong for true believers in the Christian faith to pray to or worship any other entity besides God. This includes praying to saints who havRead more

    1. Praying to saints instead of directly to God:

    According to the Bible, Christians are supposed to direct their prayers and worship only to God or Jesus. It is wrong for true believers in the Christian faith to pray to or worship any other entity besides God. This includes praying to saints who have already passed away as they cannot intercede on our behalf, nor can they provide us with anything that we need from God in our lives.

    2. Believing that a saint can grant wishes:

    Some people believe that saints can grant them physical desires such as wealth, good fortune, health, etc. However, these requests should not be directed towards saints but rather towards God and Jesus who are able to answer prayers and grant us what we request if it’s in accordance with His will.

    3. Praying for signs of assurance after death:

    After someone passes away, some people may be tempted try and reach out by praying to that particular saint as a way of seeking assurance from them. But there is no Scriptural justification for this kind of behavior as all communication between humans and the afterlife occurs through Jesus Christ alone.

    4. Expecting miracles from a saint:

    While it is understandable why some people would turn towards praying for a miracle or favor from a saint (due the fact that many miracles have been attributed throughout the years), unless you are told by God/Jesus himself then you should never guarantee yourself any sort of miracle because no human being has control over His power.

    5. Making up your own traditions when it comes to praising a saint:

    If someone decides to give praise or thanksgiving under the name of a certain saint then they must abide by the set traditions within the church which involve including biblical readings related specifically to that particular personage rather than making up one’s own traditions based on hearsay or personal beliefs derived outside of Scripture-backed principles .

    6. Overlooking Biblical references when talking about saints:

    Just because someone considers themselves religious does not mean they get authority with their views about holy figures like Saints without having accurate Scriptural references handy. In reality, we should remember always refer back godly sources whenever describing such pious individuals since after all it was first revealed within Holy Scripture how such figures ought be revered for their accomplishments (and even shortcomings).

    7. Trying trying make changes an archetype figure like Saint John Paul II :

    Lastly , make sure respect a saint’s legacy by creating an accurate portrayal any time talking about his figure ; creating fantasy stories out either Catholic history nonbelievers alike just show lack knowledge vandals disrespect wise icons like Pope John Paul II , especially during times commemoration each year

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