Ask Saint Latest Questions

  1. These are seven reasons we ask saints for their intercession. 1. Saints are role models who provide an example of living a holy life without sin and encourage us to do the same. Asking for their intercession on our behalf, connecting us to the God. 2. When we ask the saints for their intercession, wRead more

    These are seven reasons we ask saints for their intercession.

    1. Saints are role models who provide an example of living a holy life without sin and encourage us to do the same. Asking for their intercession on our behalf, connecting us to the God.

    2. When we ask the saints for their intercession, we realize that they have a strong relationship with God and can help us in make a closer connection with God.

    3. The word saint reminds us of the power of faith, prayer and human connection to God, even after death. Asking the saints to pray for our intentions is one way to connect with others on a spiritual level beyond any boundaries.

    4. Holiness that sainthood has is attainable by all believers, so asking them for their intercession helps remind us that holiness is possible in our own lives as well. We too can start to live sinless life and become more aware of how others may be praying for our success too.

    5. Ask saints for their intercession brings comfort during times of sorrow because it reminds us we are not alone in our struggles but have many in prayer joining us from heaven above.

    6. Many of these blessed saints lived difficult lives full of trials yet stayed faithful despite adversity. Praying through saints for their intercession gives inspiration courage during hard times.

    7. By asking saints for their intercession, we learn humility as we recognize both their greatness but is dependent upon God’s grace for salvation just like everyone else.

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  1. Saints have a unique closeness to God due to their faithfulness and purity of spirit. As great representatives of the tradition of holiness. They have an understanding of God's will that is both deep and profound. By asking saints to intercede on our behalf in prayer, we can be certain that the wordRead more

    Saints have a unique closeness to God due to their faithfulness and purity of spirit. As great representatives of the tradition of holiness. They have an understanding of God’s will that is both deep and profound. By asking saints to intercede on our behalf in prayer, we can be certain that the words we are offering are echoing up to Heaven with the full backing of strong spiritual advocates.

    Saints join us in our struggles with sin and difficulty. Saints role in our life as friends and companions who offer us comfort and hope even in our darkest moments. Saints lead us ever closer to a more realized relationship with God through deeper devotion and righteous living, reminding us that we too can strive for holiness.

    Saints are able to connect with Jesus in spiritual ways through their own grace filled lives that were lived purely for His glory. So when we ask them for intercede in praying for us it becomes an act of faith toward a greater purpose. Through their insight into prayer, wisdom about spiritual matters, intercessory power, and closeness to Christ these holy figures appeal directly to our Lord on behalf of ourselves or those around us.

    By intercede saints into our prayer life we provide ourselves with important role models capable of inspiring genuine conversion and transformation within our souls through fellowship together before the throne of grace. When saints pray with us and join their holiness alongside ours something beautiful takes place within each one of us.

    The reason we ask Saints for intercede for us in prayers because prayer is absolutely essential in maintaining our relationship with Christ. Prayers give us religious values on love and forgiveness.

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  1. Catholics believe that since the saints are already with God, they can more easily pray to Him on behalf of those asking for their help. The Catholic faith teaches that when someone prays to a saint, the saint may intercede with God and bring about a greater response from Him as compared to if a perRead more

    Catholics believe that since the saints are already with God, they can more easily pray to Him on behalf of those asking for their help. The Catholic faith teaches that when someone prays to a saint, the saint may intercede with God and bring about a greater response from Him as compared to if a person simply prayed directly to God.

    When Catholics pray to saints, they are praying for guidance in connecting with Jesus Christ. The saints can serve as guides or teachers for those who struggle with understanding or communicating with Jesus. In this way, prayer to the saints can direct people back towards Him so that they do not become distracted and stray away from their faith journey.

    Praying to saints can also help Catholics strengthen their faith by allowing them to focus more closely on the example of holiness demonstrated by the every saint being celebrated and invoked. By meditating and reflecting on their lives, we can better understand the ideas and principles of our religion. Which is why many use prayer as devotionals for strengthening their faith journey toward heaven and a closer relationship with God.

    Through praying to specific saints during particular times such as feast days or during special celebrations like All Saints’ Day. Catholics demonstrate appreciation for all of those who have gone before us as examples of living out Christian virtues in different situations throughout history. Ask Saints to pray for us enabling to identify better with our own struggles and grow our relationship with God through them.

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  1. We ask the saints to pray for us because we believe that they intercede on our behalf and serve as a powerful connection between God and humankind. The saints can provide guidance that is tailored specifically for the individual’s needs, ensuring that their prayer is both meaningful and effective. ARead more

    We ask the saints to pray for us because we believe that they intercede on our behalf and serve as a powerful connection between God and humankind. The saints can provide guidance that is tailored specifically for the individual’s needs, ensuring that their prayer is both meaningful and effective.

    Ask Saints for praying can bring spiritual protection into our lives by strengthening our faith in God’s power and providence. We know that having faith in the God plan can bring comfort and assurance during difficult times. so asking the saints to intercede on our behalf can provide us with this additional layer of protection against bad luck or misfortune.

    Asking the saints to pray for us shows others in our lives what it looks like to be devoted and faithful followers of God. By asking them for their help and guidance, we set an example that encourages others to do likewise.

    Saints are especially important because they have been canonized by the Church, which means that they have received special graces from God that allow them to more effectively intercede on someone else’s behalf when praying to Him on their behalf . As such, it is a great privilege to be able to call upon them who are so close to God due not only their pious lives but also through such graces granted them by Him.

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  1. These are the seven reasons why ask saints for prayer. 1. Saints Intercede on Behalf of Us Saints have been called the favorites of God, due to their heroic and unyielding faith. Saints are able to intercede on our behalf of us during prayers and provide a gateway for us to God. This makes saints unRead more

    These are the seven reasons why ask saints for prayer.

    1. Saints Intercede on Behalf of Us

    Saints have been called the favorites of God, due to their heroic and unyielding faith. Saints are able to intercede on our behalf of us during prayers and provide a gateway for us to God. This makes saints unique in that they are the bridge between people and God, allowing our prayers to reach Him easier.

    2. Saints Can Offer Practical Advice

    When seeking prayer from a saint, it is not uncommon to get practical advice. Saints often understand the difficulties we go through because they too were human and experienced suffering, but ultimately achieved peace over it. Some saints also give advice on how we can grow closer to God, or how we can better actualize kindness and true happiness here on Earth.

    3. Prayer Provides a Sense of Peace

    Asking saints for prayer gives us immense peace and comfort that comes with trusting loved ones to assist in times of need. Praying with your saint gives you a special connection, one which cannot be simulated, helping reaffirm that you are all connected in this world and within God’s realm.

    4. Help Participate in Living Tradition

    Asking your saint for prayer is a living tradition. A tradition many have followed long before our time up until now, continuing through every single generation. Keeping these traditions alive is beneficial for everybody looking for peace away from our ever-changing modern lives where uncertainties lurk around almost every corner!

    5 Links Us with Our Spiritual Heritage

    Each person has their own unique spiritual heritage which includes their ancestors, tracing all the way back centuries ago when our very first ancestor prayed for help or guidance and received it from his/her chosen Spirit Guides or Holy Representatives (also known as saints). Enhancing this bond means establishing ourselves as viewers of eternal presence attuned with gods love more deeply than ever before!

    6 Allows Access to Unseen Wisdom

    When asking saints for prayer helps us access unseen wisdom that encourages seeking holiness both inwardly and outwardly. Asking saints allows us to receive ancient messages meant only for us, giving us access no other source can provide! In those wise words gain epiphanies, hidden truths only the divine can reveal! That is why do we ask the saints to pray for us.

    7. Strengthens Our Faith

    Saints help us reinforce beliefs and strengthen our faith. This enables believers to experience miracles. When something goes awry believing that help was sent through divine intervention. The saints provide aid no matter what path is chosen, saints prayers are ten times more reliable than ordinary believers.

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  1. These are four saints, you can ask to find something. 1- Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony of Padua is a good saint to ask for help when looking for something that is lost or misplaced. He is known as the “Finder of Lost Things” and is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. He wasRead more

    These are four saints, you can ask to find something.

    1- Saint Anthony of Padua

    Saint Anthony of Padua is a good saint to ask for help when looking for something that is lost or misplaced. He is known as the “Finder of Lost Things” and is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. He was gifted with discernment, which enables him to assist people in their search. All you have to do before asking his assistance is to make sure your intentions are pure and you sincerely believe that he can help find what you lost or misplaced.

    2. Saint Jude

    St Jude, also known as Thaddeus, is another saint that can help if you’re searching for something that cannot be found by ordinary means. This powerful saint is often referred to as “the patron saint of lost causes” due to his reputation for Intervening on behalf of people whose requests seem impossible or hopeless. It’s important to remember that St Jude will not intervene in any situation unless it has spiritual significance and your intentions are turned towards God above all else.

    3. Saint Dismas

    Saint Dismas, also known as The Good Thief, can be asked for assistance when it comes to finding lost objects or items from long ago even though he wasn’t technically a saint during his life’s time on earth. What makes him so special is the fact that he was able to recognize Jesus Christ at his death despite having led a wicked life prior, which earned him canonization after death by popular Christian cultures across Europe and Asia Minor in particular during medieval times. Therefore, asking him for aid may open doors beyond what you could possibly imagine!

    4. Saint Joseph

    Saint Joseph might be the best saint to turn to if what you seek has been specifically hidden from view or put away somewhere intentionally rather than being truly lost like an object misplaced unintentionally over time outside one’s sightline leading them to seek St Joseph’s kind and patient intercession instead according to devout Catholic prayer guides typically recommended by schoolteachers affiliated with religious institutions throughout North America!

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  1. First and foremost, prayer is the most important way to ask a saint for help and protection. You can pray directly to a specific saint, if you know one that you admire or feel a connection to. Prayers can be formal, such as the traditional Catholic prayers written centuries ago, or they can be moreRead more

    First and foremost, prayer is the most important way to ask a saint for help and protection. You can pray directly to a specific saint, if you know one that you admire or feel a connection to. Prayers can be formal, such as the traditional Catholic prayers written centuries ago, or they can be more personal and spontaneous. Additionally, it is common practice to make a physical offering that symbolizes your request when asking saints for protection or help in achieving something—candles, flowers, medals and special objects are all appropriate offerings.

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  1. These are the saints to pray to: 1-St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael is one of the most powerful Archangels in the Catholic religion and is known as the defender and guardian of Heaven. Which means saint Michael is the first saint when it comes that which saints to pray to help and protection. HRead more

    These are the saints to pray to:

    1-St. Michael the Archangel

    St. Michael is one of the most powerful Archangels in the Catholic religion and is known as the defender and guardian of Heaven. Which means saint Michael is the first saint when it comes that which saints to pray to help and protection. He always looks out for those who call on him for solve problems.

    2. St. Peter

    Saint Peter is one of Jesus 12 apostles and was known as “the Rock”, upon whom Christ built His church (Matthew 16:17). He has great power and strength, which makes saint Peter an ideal saint to ask for help or protection in any situation. He will always listen to your prayers and will do his best to provide what you need in any circumstance.

    3. St Joseph

    This beloved saint is well-known as the Patron Saint of Fathers, Families, Unborn Children, Home Sellers and Buyers, Workers, Immigrants – anyone who needs extra help and protection from God’s divine grace know that they can turn towards St Joseph for guidance whenever needed! No matter how big or small your problem may be, this kind and noble Saint will do whatever he can to ensure that everything turns out for the better during difficult times in life! Although he does not have any miraculous abilities, just believing in his fatherly love will already give you strength beyond measure!

    4. Our Lady of Guadalupe

    The Virgin Mary, often referred to as Our Lady of Guadalupe by Mexican Catholics, is seen as an untiring protector and advocate for those who venerate her – so it would come at no surprise why people look towards her when they need extra prayerful support during hard times! She listens closely to all requests sent her way –no obstacle too big or too small will go unheard by this Mother figure! So don’t doubt asking her anything related to protection or healing – The Blessed Mother surely knows how best she can support you with your needs!

    5. St Jude Thaddeus

    St Jude Thaddeus, consider “the patron saint of lost causes” seems like an excellent pick when someone wants divine aid but feels their case doesn’t present a favorable outcome anymore – yes, even if it may look bleak at present – Remember that our Lord performs miracles when least expected through faithful servants such as this generous apostle by our side… Even though a project or mission seem totally impossible right now either due to unforeseen conditions or limited resources keep still strong faith within your heart because all things are possible with God!

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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer

    The quick response is "more than 10,000." In all likelihood, it has already surpassed 11,000. The generally reported 10,000 number dates back to the completion of Pope Benedict XVI's pontificate., which is already a decade old, and there have been several mass canonizations since then. For instance,Read more

    The quick response is “more than 10,000.” In all likelihood, it has already surpassed 11,000. The generally reported 10,000 number dates back to the completion of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate., which is already a decade old, and there have been several mass canonizations since then. For instance, the Church could never hope to identify every victim of the Ottomans’ slaughter in 1480. Because they died for their religion, the Church considers them saints, although we do not have their names.

    The Latin term Sanctus, meaning “holy,” is where we get our English word “saint.” For the first few centuries of the Church, anyone who gained widespread renown for their goodness was awarded the honorific “saint.” This was especially true of martyrs.

    The Vatican’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes was established in 1588 to assist in standardizing the use of the term “saint” and to exercise greater discretion in the canonization process.

    The lack of an extensive list of the 11,000 names concerns the Church. Furthermore, some of those names don’t even exist. For instance, the Church could never hope to identify every victim of the Ottomans’ 1480 onslaught. We do not know their names, but the Church recognizes them as saints since they dedicated their lives to the faith.

    Also, many saints have been forgotten by history. Saints like Christopher are real people from history, but they lived so long ago that we have no first-hand accounts of their lives. Due to a lack of proof supporting his presence, Christopher was removed from the universal calendar around 1969.

    You have to understand that widespread veneration in the ancient world led to the canonization of many ordinary persons. Since the Church did not have a set procedure for canonizing individuals, the process was likely more of a popularity contest. You were a saint if a lot of people liked you or the stories spoke about you. The truth is that some of these persons didn’t exist, had questionable morals, or were composites of multiple well-known people. In all honesty, we will never know for sure.

    Someone like Saint Christopher fits this description. If he lived at all, it’s doubtful that he was known by the name “Christ-bearer,” which is what the name signifies. However, it is possible that he did exist, and we’re unaware of his identity. People who had met or heard about him in the ancient world spread his reputation after his death. Once again, we must be certain with records.

    A person can only become a saint if God blesses them with a place in heaven. That is the true definition of a saint. (The term has multiple connotations; in a broad sense, all Christians are saints.) We can only speculate about how many souls are now here. But if the Church claims to meet a handful of saints annually (on average), that’s only the folks who have been through the canonization process. That can only happen if one or two miracles happen in your name.

    Simply put, the Church does not “create” saints; rather, it only proclaims certain individuals to be holy.

    In reality, the number of saints could reach the billions, or possibly the hundreds of millions, if God works as diligently as we imagine He does to preserve human souls. However, the Catholic Church acknowledges around 11,000 saints, and there are most definitely many whose names are unknown and whose historicity is questionable.

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  1. According to the bible Christianity is a religion of faith. Which is centered on Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Christians believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority in all matters of faith. The word Christian, which means "one who foRead more

    According to the bible Christianity is a religion of faith. Which is centered on Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Christians believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority in all matters of faith.

    The word Christian, which means “one who follows Christ”, is used in the Bible three times. Bible verse 11:26 refers to believers, who are followers of Jesus. These first century believers, who were followers of Jesus, believed that Christ died for their sins, and was resurrected. When he died, they baptized in his name, and when he ascended to heaven, they received the Holy Spirit as a guide to lead them in their daily lives.

    During the time of the New Testament, the word Christian was not an official title of honor but instead was used as a way of referring to people who followed the teachings of Jesus. This term is now a unclear term that many Christians use, and not all Christians follow its practices.

    However, it does have a basic meaning and it is important to know that when someone says they are a Christian, they are usually referring to themselves.

    Early Christians also referred to themselves as saints and disciples. During this period, they followed the teachings of Jesus and the Jewish tradition of monotheism. Eventually, they became part of the Christian church, which began to practice rituals associated with the resurrection of Christ.

    Historically, the word Christian originated in a Jewish context. During the time of Jesus, the Hebrews in Israel inherited the concept of monotheism, which is the belief that there is only one true God. Consequently, early Christians believed that Jesus was the true God and that all of creation was created by Him.

    Ultimately, Christianity is more about relationships than it is about religious rituals. According to the Bible Christians should understand that God has a plan for their lives. He is interested in the way they live their lives, and he has a purpose for every person.

    According to the Bible Christians should also have faith in the second coming of Jesus. If you believe that Christ will return, you will also believe that everyone will be resurrected after death. You should also believe that the Holy Spirit is active in your life and that you will receive the spiritual rebirth that comes with the new life that Christ gives you.

    Finally, Christians should recognize that the Holy Spirit is the source of all power in the universe. This power is primarily responsible for helping you to grow in your faith, and it can also be used to help you to share the Gospel with others. It is vital that you know the Bible well so that you can learn about the life of the Lord and His teachings. Fortunately, the Bible is filled with all that you need to know and live a godly life.

    Whether you are a first century Christian or a contemporary, the most important thing you can do is to follow the path of Bible that the Lord has set before you. This can be accomplished by believing that God is faithful and loving and that he has a plan for your life. Also, believe that he is with you during your time of need.

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