1. yes because everything inwhich every thing you give pain to yourself is haram

    yes because everything inwhich every thing you give pain to yourself is haram

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  2. everything inwhich human left his sence is haram weather it is bear or anything else.

    everything inwhich human left his sence is haram weather it is bear or anything else.

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  3. Allah is alone and one who created all universe but Allah is not created by some one.

    Allah is alone and one who created all universe but Allah is not created by some one.

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  4. yes everything which is harm to your health is haram

    yes everything which is harm to your health is haram

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  5. if you are whitening your teeth it has taste further you swellow it then your fasting would break.

    if you are whitening your teeth it has taste further you swellow it then your fasting would break.

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  6. usually extract are taken from flower or fruits or artificial flavoured. If it took from halal thing it will be halal but if took from pig or haram things it would be haram. see ingredient on wraper before buying that its halal or haram.

    usually extract are taken from flower or fruits or artificial flavoured. If it took from halal thing it will be halal but if took from pig or haram things it would be haram. see ingredient on wraper before buying that its halal or haram.

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  7. basically waswas means that thought of hopless or extra haramful act which shytan and his fellow creat in human mind.

    basically waswas means that thought of hopless or extra haramful act which shytan and his fellow creat in human mind.

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  8. women owra means cover your full body for what men attract.

    women owra means cover your full body for what men attract.

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  9. emaan means stop yourself for those bad work in which Allah said that is haram or forbidden

    emaan means stop yourself for those bad work in which Allah said that is haram or forbidden

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