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4 Answers

  1. Islam is a religion which gives reason for every order, like parda also. Although it desires to follow orders without going into reasons as divine knowledge is beyond human thinking.

    Prime reason is distinction from women of other religions. It symbols as ” i am a faithful, please donot disturb me”.ย  Next reason is covering beauty and not letting other men attracted to beauty, as beauty of a woman has to be cherished by her husband only.

  2. In Islam, the concept of “parda” or “hijab” is considered important for women for several reasons:

    Modesty: Parda is seen as a means to promote modesty and decency among women. It is believed that covering one’s body and hair helps to maintain a sense of dignity and privacy.

    Protection: Parda is thought to protect women from unwanted attention or harassment. By covering themselves, women can avoid objectification and reduce the chances of being objectified.

    Submission to God: For many Muslim women, wearing the hijab or observing parda is a way to demonstrate their submission to God’s commandments. It’s seen as an act of obedience and devotion.

    Identity and Faith: Parda can also be a visible symbol of one’s faith and identity as a Muslim woman. It serves as a reminder of their religious values and commitment to their beliefs.

    Equality: Some argue that parda promotes gender equality by shifting the focus away from physical appearance and emphasizing a person’s character and intellect instead.

  3. This answer was improved

    The door to temptation is wide open for humans. Women are designed to lure and ensnare the opposite sex with their bodily charms. Purdah is an attempt to curb the temptation. It creates a much needed segregation among men and women. If men find women in tight clothes or semi-naked, they’re bound to be tempted. Most of the rapists make an excuse that semi-naked women or women who flaunt their bodily charms are asking for it and it gives them the opening to take the extreme step. Although it’s a disgusting, pathetic excuse but that’s how men operate usually. Furthermore, Women usually feel empowered and safe when they cover their bodies. Therefore, purdah is emphasised by the almighty.

  4. “Parda,” also known as “Hijab” or “Veil,” has a crucial role in Islam and is observed by a large number of Muslim women worldwide. There are numerous ways to understand its significance:

    1. Moderation Islam places a high value on modesty in speech and dress. Muslim women are expected to maintain their modesty by covering their bodies, with the exception of their hands and faces, when they are in the presence of males who are not mahrams (those they can marry). This modesty is thought to be a way to preserve one’s honor and dignity.

    1. Submission to God’s Directives: Wearing a parda is regarded as an act of submission to Allah’s (God’s) instructions as stated in the Quran. Many Muslim women consider it to be a vital component of their faith, symbolizing their submission to the divine will.
    2. Protection of Personal Space: Parda aids in establishing limits and safeguarding Muslim women’s privacy and personal space. They can limit who can see their physical look by covering their body, which deters unwanted attention.
    3. Regard for Marriage: The sanctity of marriage is upheld in part via parda. It makes sure that encounters between men and women who are not related are respectful and temptation-free. The Islamic way of life is fundamentally based on respect for marriage and family life.
    4. Promoting Piety: Parda is thought to support a woman’s spiritual development and piety. Women who follow the custom hope to draw attention to their inner virtues and character rather than their outward appearance. This is consistent with Islam’s view that inner beauty isย moreย valuableย thanย outerย appearances,ย asย areย righteousness.