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  1. Posting a picture on Instagram for any purpose, whether it is your picture or another person's picture, it is not permissible to post this picture, and moreover, posting a picture of a stranger is also a sin of exposing an unaware woman. Yes, and revealing a woman's veil is a major sin, so every perRead more

    Posting a picture on Instagram for any purpose, whether it is your picture or another person’s picture, it is not permissible to post this picture, and moreover, posting a picture of a stranger is also a sin of exposing an unaware woman. Yes, and revealing a woman’s veil is a major sin, so every person should refrain from posting a nude picture on their Instagram profile

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  1. Is Niqab Compulsory in Islam? The requirement of niqab (a face veil) in Islam is a matter of interpretation and varies among different Islamic scholars and communities. It's important to note that there isn't a unanimous consensus on whether wearing the niqab is obligatory or not. The majority of IsRead more

    1. Is Niqab Compulsory in Islam? The requirement of niqab (a face veil) in Islam is a matter of interpretation and varies among different Islamic scholars and communities. It’s important to note that there isn’t a unanimous consensus on whether wearing the niqab is obligatory or not. The majority of Islamic scholars agree that Muslim women should cover their hair and body modestly, but the niqab specifically covering the face is a subject of debate. Some Muslim women choose to wear the niqab as a matter of personal choice and religious interpretation, while others do not.
    2. Famous Ayat Regarding Muslim Women Lowering Their Gaze and Guarding Their Modesty: There are verses in the Quran that emphasize modesty and appropriate behavior for both men and women. One commonly referenced verse is Surah An-Nur (24:31), which advises Muslim women to “lower their gaze and guard their modesty.” This verse encourages modesty in dress and behavior but does not explicitly mandate the niqab.
    3. Satar Aurat (A Woman’s Covering) and Servet Girls: “Satar Aurat” refers to the concept of modesty in Islamic dress for women. It generally involves covering the hair and body except for the face and hands. Servet girls may refer to women who work in servitude or as domestic help. In many Islamic cultures, modest dress is encouraged for all women, including those working in various roles. The specific dress code may vary by region and cultural traditions.
    4. Freedom of Girls and Cultural Influences: The freedom of girls to choose their clothing and lifestyle varies widely across different Islamic cultures and communities. In some societies, there may be strong cultural or familial expectations regarding dress, while in others, women have more freedom to make personal choices. It’s essential to recognize that the interpretation of Islamic teachings can be influenced by cultural factors, and practices may differ.
    5. Kafan and Its Components: In Islamic burial rituals, the deceased is typically wrapped in a simple shroud known as the “kafan.” The kafan generally consists of five pieces of cloth: one for the head, one for the upper body, one for the lower body, and two additional pieces to wrap the body. The specific names of these cloth pieces may vary, but they serve the purpose of covering the deceased in a dignified and modest manner.

    In summary, the interpretation of Islamic dress codes, including the niqab, varies among scholars and communities. While modesty in clothing is generally encouraged in Islam, the specific requirements and practices can differ. Cultural factors often play a significant role in how these guidelines are applied. Ultimately, the decision to wear the niqab or adhere to specific dress codes is a matter of personal choice and interpretation for many Muslim women.

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  1. Yes hijab is compulsory for women.It is obligatory to cover their hair, and the entire body except her face and hands, while in the presence of people of the opposite sex other than close family members.

    Yes hijab is compulsory for women.It is obligatory to cover their hair, and the entire body except her face and hands, while in the presence of people of the opposite sex other than close family members.

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  1. "Parda," also known as "Hijab" or "Veil," has a crucial role in Islam and is observed by a large number of Muslim women worldwide. There are numerous ways to understand its significance: 1. Moderation Islam places a high value on modesty in speech and dress. Muslim women are expected to maintain theRead more

    “Parda,” also known as “Hijab” or “Veil,” has a crucial role in Islam and is observed by a large number of Muslim women worldwide. There are numerous ways to understand its significance:

    1. Moderation Islam places a high value on modesty in speech and dress. Muslim women are expected to maintain their modesty by covering their bodies, with the exception of their hands and faces, when they are in the presence of males who are not mahrams (those they can marry). This modesty is thought to be a way to preserve one’s honor and dignity.

    1. Submission to God’s Directives: Wearing a parda is regarded as an act of submission to Allah’s (God’s) instructions as stated in the Quran. Many Muslim women consider it to be a vital component of their faith, symbolizing their submission to the divine will.
    2. Protection of Personal Space: Parda aids in establishing limits and safeguarding Muslim women’s privacy and personal space. They can limit who can see their physical look by covering their body, which deters unwanted attention.
    3. Regard for Marriage: The sanctity of marriage is upheld in part via parda. It makes sure that encounters between men and women who are not related are respectful and temptation-free. The Islamic way of life is fundamentally based on respect for marriage and family life.
    4. Promoting Piety: Parda is thought to support a woman’s spiritual development and piety. Women who follow the custom hope to draw attention to their inner virtues and character rather than their outward appearance. This is consistent with Islam’s view that inner beauty isย moreย valuableย thanย outerย appearances,ย asย areย righteousness.
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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Hijab is worn for religious reasons by Muslim women, showing their commitment to Islam and belief in God. Additionally, it serves to protect their modesty in public and shield them against mistreatment or abuse. All Muslim women have strong faith on Allah. Muslim women knows that if she does not folRead more

    Hijab is worn for religious reasons by Muslim women, showing their commitment to Islam and belief in God. Additionally, it serves to protect their modesty in public and shield them against mistreatment or abuse.

    All Muslim women have strong faith on Allah. Muslim women knows that if she does not follow the teachings of her religion, then she will be punish in hell forever. That’s why it’s important for her to learn about Islamic modesty principles and practice them throughout every aspect of her life including wear hijab.

    The most Muslim women wear hijab all of their life because hijab is important in Islam and they enjoy it. Also, other Islamic teachings emphasize peace, love, honesty, and mutual respect that Allah rewards in the Quran. Muslims believe the purpose of wearing a hijab is to obey God and His Messenger.

    Wearing a hijab in public can give Muslims greater security in their beliefs and relationship with Allah. It may help them resist the temptation of sins, leading to a more rewarding life in this world.

    Muslim girls wears Hijab as a symbol of her devotion to both her husband and Islam, conveying that she places their needs above all else.

    Another reason Muslim women may choose to don the hijab is to shield themselves from sexual harassment in the workplace. According to the Quran, men are prohibited from molesting women in public.

    The Quran also commands that women do not touch any man without first seeking his consent. Furthermore, covering one’s hair before her father or husband is considered a sign of honor for Muslim women.

    Many Muslims worry about how their behavior influences how others view them, particularly in a culture dominated by media attention.

    While some Muslim women may feel pressured into wearing the hijab, it’s essential for them to remember that Islam emphasizes respect and compassion. With these qualities instilled, Muslim women can live happy and peaceful lives that guarantee a future filled with prosperity, and success.

    Some Muslims may consider the Hijab to be oppression, but it’s essential for Muslims to remember this misconception is mostly due to media representations. Unfortunately, so many people have negative impressions of Islam based on inaccurate information. These perceptions often fail to acknowledge the hard work and dedication Muslim women put into practicing their religion.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Hijab is a Muslim term that translates as "veil" or "curtain." It is a type of head covering that is worn by women and men to protect themselves against harassment and other unwanted attention. In Muslim countries, it is compulsory for female Muslims to wear the hijab. However, it is optional for maRead more

    Hijab is a Muslim term that translates as “veil” or “curtain.” It is a type of head covering that is worn by women and men to protect themselves against harassment and other unwanted attention. In Muslim countries, it is compulsory for female Muslims to wear the hijab. However, it is optional for males, and not all women wear it.

    In other words Hijab simple mean is a cloth that cover your head including hairs and your face. The practice of Hijab was developed in the Middle East in response to nationalist movements. It also became a symbol of others to the West in the Middle East and North Africa. In addition to a religious symbol and it has become a cultural tradition.

    Today, the hijab is worn by some Muslim immigrants in Europe as well as by a growing number of women who are trying to express their religious identity. Many people consider this a sign of cultural piety and freedom of religious expression. There is also a controversy surrounding to this hijab practice.

    Some Islamic women feel pressured to wear the hijab to convince them about that hijab is important in Islam. They also have insecurities about their appearance and their own self-esteem.

    But, the hijab is a symbolic act of submission to Allah. By having a scarf around head reminds women to keep their faith, be honest and be generous.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    In Islam, the hijab is considered an important aspect of religious practice for Muslim women. The term "hijab" refers to both the physical garment that covers the head and body as well as the main concept of privacy in behavior. The importance of hijab in Islam comes from various references in the QRead more

    In Islam, the hijab is considered an important aspect of religious practice for Muslim women. The term “hijab” refers to both the physical garment that covers the head and body as well as the main concept of privacy in behavior.

    The importance of hijab in Islam comes from various references in the Quran and the Hadiths. Here are some references that highlight the importance of hijab:

    1. My first reference is from Quran Surah An-Nur verse 31.
    2. Second reference is fromย  Sahih Bukhari – Book 65, Hadith 280 – Narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)
    3. Third reference isย  Sahih Muslim – Book 24, Hadith 5310 – Narrated by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him)
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