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3 Answers

  1. According to Islam what nikha is a marriage or in Islam marriage called Nikkah.

  2. Nikah is an important and religiously significant event in islam the union of two individuals in matrimony.

  3. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Nikah or Nikkah is an Islamic marriage. It is a religious marriage bounding between a man and a woman. The Nikah has importance in Islamic Sharia as it establishes the legitimacy of the couple in the eyes of Allah. There are several reasons behind this.

    During the Nikah, both the man and woman must have witnesses and both must accept and consent that they have chosen to spend their lives together. Additionally, Allah protects the woman’s rights through Mahr, which is a marriage gift given by the man to the woman.

    Many countries, like Pakistan, recognize Nikah as a proper form of marriage, but other first-world countries require additional registration of the marriage.