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  1. A number of acts are not allowed in Islam specially things directly forbidden by ALLAH SWT.

    HUDUD Laws

    and all immoral activities which can harm any other person.


  2. In Islam, certain actions and behaviors are considered prohibited (haram) or discouraged (makruh), which are against the order of Allah.These include:

    1. Consuming alcohol and intoxicants.

    2. Eating pork and pork products.

    3. Engaging in usury (riba).

    4. Theft, fraud, and dishonesty.

    5. Adultery and fornication.

    6. Gambling and games of chance.

    7. Backbiting and slander.

    8. Lying.

    9. Idolatry and polytheism (shirk).

    10. Consuming doubtful food.( consume only halal (permissible) food.)

    11. unlawful sexual behavior.

    12.  harmful actions, including violence.

    13. Disobeying and disrespecting  parents.

    Interpretations of these prohibitions may vary among Islamic scholars and schools of thought, and Muslims are encouraged to seek forgiveness and strive for improvement through acts of worship and righteous deeds.