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  1. It is biggest sin like zina. If you touch ghair mehram with sexual urge. You did zina and all the punishment of zina will be given. Allah protect ourselves from biggest sins. And forgive all

    It is biggest sin like zina. If you touch ghair mehram with sexual urge. You did zina and all the punishment of zina will be given.

    Allah protect ourselves from biggest sins. And forgive all

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  1. Yes in Islam, zina is considered a major sin. Zina refers to unlawful sexual relations or sexual misconduct, and it is explicitly prohibited in the Quran. Engaging in sexual activity outside of a lawful marriage is considered a grave transgression in Islamic teachings.

    Yes in Islam, zina is considered a major sin. Zina refers to unlawful sexual relations or sexual misconduct, and it is explicitly prohibited in the Quran. Engaging in sexual activity outside of a lawful marriage is considered a grave transgression in Islamic teachings.

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  1. make a true goal in your heart to clean yourself significant pollution. begin with Bismillah for the sake of Allah most generous and the most merciful . wash hand .clean up multiple times. confidential parts of pollutants wuzu bathing while perhaps not currently on that frame of mind of wuzu wash moRead more

    make a true goal in your heart to clean yourself significant pollution.
    begin with Bismillah for the sake of Allah most generous and the most merciful .
    wash hand .clean up multiple times.
    confidential parts of pollutants
    wuzu bathing while perhaps not currently on that frame of mind of wuzu
    wash mouth and nose bring water in your mouth and nose then oust it multiple times .
    wash the whole body pour water over your whole body guaranteeing each part is washed completely.
    wet your head and run wet fingers through your hair to arrive at the roots .
    wash your right side and then your left side.
    feet at long last wash your feet gauranteenig water arrives between the toes.
    this finishes the ghusal guarantee the water arrives at all aspects of your body.

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