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  1. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Kalash tribe key beliefs and practices are include: 1. Polytheism: The Kalash tribe believe in multiple deities and spirits, so they are polytheistic. They have images of gods and goddesses that they worship and offer sacrifices too. 2. Nature Worship: The Kalash people have a strong connection withRead more

    Kalash tribe key beliefs and practices are include:

    1. Polytheism: The Kalash tribe believe in multiple deities and spirits, so they are polytheistic. They have images of gods and goddesses that they worship and offer sacrifices too.

    2. Nature Worship: The Kalash people have a strong connection with nature. They believe that spirits reside in natural elements such as trees, rivers, mountains, and animals. Many of their rituals and festivals are centered around nature.

    3. Ancestor Worship: The Kalash people respect their ancestors and believe that the spirits of the deceased continue to play a role in their lives. Ancestral spirits are believed to protect the living and are honored during various rituals.

    4. Festivals and Rituals: The Kalash tribe are known for their colorful festivals and rituals. The two most famous festivals are the “Chilimjushi” in spring and the “Uchal” in autumn. These festivals involve dancing, singing, feasting, and various rituals aimed at seeking blessings from the deities and ensuring good fortune for the community.

    5. Sacrifices: Animal sacrifices are an basic part of Kalash religious practices. Sacrifices are made to appease the gods and spirits, particularly during festivals and other significant events.

    6. Social Structure: The Kalash society is divided into different castes, and religious specialists called “Jestak” and “Besa” hold important roles. They serve as intermediaries between the community and the spiritual world, performing rituals, leading ceremonies, and providing guidance.

    7. Oral Traditions: The Kalash religion and cultural practices are passed down through oral traditions, stories, and songs. They do not have written scriptures but rely on verbal transmission of their beliefs and history.

    It is important to note that the Kalash culture and religion have faced challenges due to external influences, including the dominant Muslim culture in Pakistan. Over time, the Kalash community has experienced some degree of conversion to Islam. Which has led to concerns about the preservation of their distinct identity and practices.

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    Faith means (Shadaha)in Arabic.Fatith means that there is no other God without ALLAh and MUHAMMAD salla allahu alsihe wassallam is the the prophet of Allah. So Faith is the first step in Islam.with it no one called the Muslim.

    Faith means (Shadaha)in Arabic.Fatith means that there is no other God without ALLAh and MUHAMMAD salla allahu alsihe wassallam is the the prophet of Allah.

    So Faith is the first step in Islam.with it no one called the Muslim.

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  1. These are the five pillars of Islam : 1. Kalma tayyaba. It means a Muslim must say that there is no god except Allah 2. Namaz: prayers five times daily are obligatory on all Muslims 3. Roza: fasting of the whole Ramzan 4. Zakat: To give a part of your savings to poor people 5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to MeRead more

    These are the five pillars of Islam :

    1. Kalma tayyaba. It means a Muslim must say that there is no god except Allah

    2. Namaz: prayers five times daily are obligatory on all Muslims

    3. Roza: fasting of the whole Ramzan

    4. Zakat: To give a part of your savings to poor people

    5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Qadah at least once in a lifetime

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  1. They are pure words by which a person becomes a Muslim The meaning of this word is that there is no one in this universe worthy of worship except Allah (Allah is to be worshiped, there is no one worthy of worship except Him) and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Messenger ofRead more

    They are pure words by which a person becomes a Muslim
    The meaning of this word is that there is no one in this universe worthy of worship except Allah (Allah is to be worshiped, there is no one worthy of worship except Him) and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah

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  1. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The phrase "The Kalam of Allah is not like our Kalam" is often used to explain the nature of Allah speech in relation to human language and communication. The statement highlights the belief that Allah speech is better, perfect, and transcendent, while human speech is finite, imperfect, and subjectRead more

    The phrase “The Kalam of Allah is not like our Kalam” is often used to explain the nature of Allah speech in relation to human language and communication.

    The statement highlights the belief that Allah speech is better, perfect, and transcendent, while human speech is finite, imperfect, and subject to interpretation. Therefore, the Kalam of Allah, or Allah speech, cannot be compared to the Kalam of humans.

    This statement emphasizes the incomparable nature of God and His wisdom, as well as the limitations of human language and understanding when it comes to fully comprehend Allah communication. It also serves as a reminder to Muslims that when they recite the Quran or engage in religious discourse, they are dealing with human language and discourse that is subject to interpretation and cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of Allah communication.

    Overall, the phrase “The Kalam of Allah is not like our Kalam” is an important theological concept in Islamic philosophy that helps to reinforce the nature of Allah communication and the limitations of human language and understanding.

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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer

    These are the five pillars of Islam. 1. Declaration of Faith: A Muslim must declare the Shahada. Which is the Islamic declaration that proclaims, “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.” This statement of faith serves as a sign that they have converted to Islam. 2. Prayer: MuslimsRead more

    These are the five pillars of Islam.

    1. Declaration of Faith: A Muslim must declare the Shahada. Which is the Islamic declaration that proclaims, “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.” This statement of faith serves as a sign that they have converted to Islam.

    2. Prayer: Muslims believe in praying five times daily. Each prayer consists of several movements including kneeling and bowing down while reciting verses from the Quran. The exact timing of prayers varies depending on sunlight hours and other factors, so it can vary regionally throughout world.

    3. Almsgiving (Zakat): Muslims are required to part with a certain portion of their wealth for charity purposes, known as Zakat. Every wealthy Muslim adult must give 2.5% of their gross income to those who are in need in order to help them become financially stable again.

    4. Fasting during Ramadan: One month out of every year, Muslims are obligated to fast during daylight hours in observance of Ramadan. This religious practice serves as an act of self-control and appreciation for blessings in life. Also, the month of Ramadan is a message around the world that provide food and clean water supply to poor people.

    5. Pilgrimage (Hajj): Performing Hajj or pilgrimage is certainly one of the most important and fifth pillar of Islam. which involve visiting few places particularly Mecca Haram once per lifetime if a person can afford it financially and physically.

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