1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The first foster mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Halima Saadia. She was a woman from the Banu Saad tribe who had come to Mecca to find a baby to foster. That time foster children from others was cultural. Other women were initially hesitate to take in the orphaned baby MuRead more

    The first foster mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Halima Saadia. She was a woman from the Banu Saad tribe who had come to Mecca to find a baby to foster. That time foster children from others was cultural.

    Other women were initially hesitate to take in the orphaned baby Muhammad as he was not from a wealthy family, but Halima Saadia eventually agreed and took him to her home in the desert where he spent the first few years of his life. According to Islamic tradition, it was during the time when the Muhammad was baby and miraculously blessed by Allah, and his foster mother Halima witnessed many signs of his future greatness.

    Halima Saadia played an important role in the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and he remained grateful to her throughout his life.

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  2. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Islam is a belief system rooted in God's teachings as conveyed through prophets throughout history, as well as in the Quran which Muslims read and follow. Its aim is to bring people closer to God by obeying His commandments. Muslims believe in the One God and His final prophet Muhammad (SA). MuhammaRead more

    Islam is a belief system rooted in God’s teachings as conveyed through prophets throughout history, as well as in the Quran which Muslims read and follow. Its aim is to bring people closer to God by obeying His commandments.

    Muslims believe in the One God and His final prophet Muhammad (SA). Muhammad has been sent as a guide to bring all humanity onto the path of Islam.

    Muslims believe God created the world and human beings in His image, making man its vicegerent, responsible for caring for it, and building an ethical society that reflects His will.

    The Quran affirms that man was created to serve God as His steward and that His purpose for humanity is to build a world built on justice, equity, and peace.

    Allah made it abundantly clear to mankind that those who obeyed Him and lived according to His laws would enjoy eternal life with Him in paradise. On the other hand, those who disobeyed Him and followed their own ways would go to hell.

    All the prophets preached that man should seek guidance from Allah, and He had given each individual a code of life to live by. Unfortunately, their message was lost or misrepresented over time. Therefore, it was left up to Muhammad alone to present Allah’s guidance once more in its true form.

    Islam is an all-inclusive way of life, demanding its adherents to be morally accountable and follow Allah’s teachings. Its religious foundations include faith, prayer, fasting, charity work, and jihad – the “struggle” against evil.

    Islam is a holistic religion that encourages its followers to demonstrate their Ibada (prayers) to Allah through both deeds and words. On Judgment Day, mankind’s worldly life will be judged based on intentions as well as deeds. Those who follow Allah’s guidance will enjoy eternal life in heaven while those who reject it will go to hell.

    Islam declares that all men are equal, regardless of race, status, or wealth. It speaks directly to humanity’s conscience and removes any false barriers built against equality for all men.

    A Muslim is a devout individual who has made a firm commitment to their religion and lives according to its teachings. The word “Islam” derives from an Arabic root meaning “peace”.

    Islam holds that Allah is the creator and sustainer of the universe, having endowed man with consciousness and free will. He has appointed man as His vicegerent on earth and given him a high calling. To serve Allah in His capacity as His deputy and establish His will on Earth.

    Muslims recognize their responsibility to work for social justice in both personal and collective lives, to oppose forces of exploitation, injustice, oppression, and corruption of all types. They believe that the most essential factor in creating a just society lies in the upliftment of individuals and their religious development.

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  3. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Hijab is worn for religious reasons by Muslim women, showing their commitment to Islam and belief in God. Additionally, it serves to protect their modesty in public and shield them against mistreatment or abuse. All Muslim women have strong faith on Allah. Muslim women knows that if she does not folRead more

    Hijab is worn for religious reasons by Muslim women, showing their commitment to Islam and belief in God. Additionally, it serves to protect their modesty in public and shield them against mistreatment or abuse.

    All Muslim women have strong faith on Allah. Muslim women knows that if she does not follow the teachings of her religion, then she will be punish in hell forever. That’s why it’s important for her to learn about Islamic modesty principles and practice them throughout every aspect of her life including wear hijab.

    The most Muslim women wear hijab all of their life because hijab is important in Islam and they enjoy it. Also, other Islamic teachings emphasize peace, love, honesty, and mutual respect that Allah rewards in the Quran. Muslims believe the purpose of wearing a hijab is to obey God and His Messenger.

    Wearing a hijab in public can give Muslims greater security in their beliefs and relationship with Allah. It may help them resist the temptation of sins, leading to a more rewarding life in this world.

    Muslim girls wears Hijab as a symbol of her devotion to both her husband and Islam, conveying that she places their needs above all else.

    Another reason Muslim women may choose to don the hijab is to shield themselves from sexual harassment in the workplace. According to the Quran, men are prohibited from molesting women in public.

    The Quran also commands that women do not touch any man without first seeking his consent. Furthermore, covering one’s hair before her father or husband is considered a sign of honor for Muslim women.

    Many Muslims worry about how their behavior influences how others view them, particularly in a culture dominated by media attention.

    While some Muslim women may feel pressured into wearing the hijab, it’s essential for them to remember that Islam emphasizes respect and compassion. With these qualities instilled, Muslim women can live happy and peaceful lives that guarantee a future filled with prosperity, and success.

    Some Muslims may consider the Hijab to be oppression, but it’s essential for Muslims to remember this misconception is mostly due to media representations. Unfortunately, so many people have negative impressions of Islam based on inaccurate information. These perceptions often fail to acknowledge the hard work and dedication Muslim women put into practicing their religion.

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  4. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Hindu religion is an ancient group of beliefs with its roots in India, practiced by people around the globe. With over 2,500 years of history, it is one of the oldest faiths. Hindus worship many gods and goddesses, as well as adhering to certain traditions and practices such as yoga and meditation.Read more

    Hindu religion is an ancient group of beliefs with its roots in India, practiced by people around the globe. With over 2,500 years of history, it is one of the oldest faiths.

    Hindus worship many gods and goddesses, as well as adhering to certain traditions and practices such as yoga and meditation.

    They worship a variety of gods and goddesses, such as Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh and Parvati.

    Hindu religion is one of the oldest and largest religions in existence, boasting 900 million believers around the globe.

    Hindus across India visit many holy places for spiritual fulfillment. Some of the most revered sites include Badrinath, Puri and Dwarka. Other popular holy spots include Varanasi, Rishikesh and Pushkar.

    Hindus tend to be vegetarian and avoid meat or alcohol.

    Hindu religion is founded upon an ancient collection of scriptures called Vedas. These sacred writings, composed in Sanskrit script, provide guidance and instruction to its adherents on how to live their lives.

    Hindu scriptures such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita are essential texts that many Hindus read daily.

    They practice a variety of prayers to ask for blessings, good health and happiness. Additionally, they chant hymns to their beliefs and sing songs about them.

    Hindus celebrate many festivals and special days throughout the year. For instance, Janmashtami in August marks Krishna’s birthday, and it’s a two-day festival with no sleeping allowed as people sing bhajans and fast.

    Holi is another Hindu holiday observed in February or March that celebrates springtime. This joyful festival brings out all kinds of colors as people light bonfires to ward off evil spirits and enjoy delicious foods as a way of honoring this bright occasion.

    On this holiday, families celebrate the birth of their sons by giving gifts to them.

    Hinduism plays an integral role in Indian culture and spirituality, inspiring many people to find peace through meditation and devotion.

    Many people are contented knowing there is a loving god out there who desires only what is best for them. This gives them great comfort and strength even in hard times.

    Hinduism is home to several popular gods and goddesses, such as Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh, Hanuman, Parvati and Shiva. Each has their own distinctive face and plays an essential role in Hindu religion.

    Hind religion followers worship many other things, such as the Sun, Moon, and water. These symbols of strength and illumination provide comfort during times of darkness.

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  5. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    In the world of science, the answer to the question 'who created the God?' Is probably a given. But, the question itself, though well intentioned, is actually quite silly. The question is based on the false assumption that God came from somewhere, and that the best answer to this question is an uncrRead more

    In the world of science, the answer to the question ‘who created the God?‘ Is probably a given. But, the question itself, though well intentioned, is actually quite silly.

    The question is based on the false assumption that God came from somewhere, and that the best answer to this question is an uncreated entity that is both created and uncreated. This would lead to an infinite regress. If there is a God, he is the only being that can create a world. But he cannot depend on anything else. As a matter of fact, he is in the process of creating a new one.

    One of the smart things about all the Holy scriptures is that it does not tell us who created the god. It tells us what the god is, however. The most obvious reason for this is that the God of the Old scriptures is not the God of the New. As a result, it is not hard to believe that people have lots of questions about their creator.

    First and foremost, it is important to understand that the creation of the universe is not a mistake. That is not to say that there is no god, just that there is no divine force that is responsible for its creation. Instead, God is the creator of humans for His glory, and in the process, He has created a whole new world for mankind to explore and appreciate. God has a plan for each and every individual.

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  6. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    I am explaining the question "What is Islamic marriage?" within just five points given below. 1. Consent In an Islamic marriage, both parties must agree to marry and give their full consent for the marriage to be valid in the eyes of God. This is why parental guidance and approval is so important whRead more

    I am explaining the question “What is Islamic marriage?” within just five points given below.

    1. Consent

    In an Islamic marriage, both parties must agree to marry and give their full consent for the marriage to be valid in the eyes of God. This is why parental guidance and approval is so important when it comes to Islamic marriages. As parents must ensure that their children make well informed decisions about their marital life.

    2. Two Witnesses

    A Muslim wedding ceremony requires two adult witnesses. These two witnesses should aware of the marriage contract and have given their consent and agreement as well. These witnesses attest to the fact that both parties understand and agree with all terms relating to marriage within Islam (such as haq mehr payments or a prenuptial agreement).

    3. Wali

    The wali is a representative appointed by either party involved in an Islamic marriage. The wali speaks on behalf of girl/boy during the Nikah (Islamic wedding ceremony) and serves as a middleman if there is any disagreement between the two sides.

    4. Marriage Contract

    The nikah serves as a legally binding agreement between spouses, both abiding to certain rights, responsibilities, duties and financial regulations listed within the document. This contract officially ties them together under marriage law in accordance with Islamic law before their marital relationship begins formally.

    5. Haq Mehr payment

    Haq Mehr payment is similar in many respects to dowry payments common throughout other regions worldwide. Where one spouse gives money or gifts to another. Usually in form of gold or jewelry. A Muslim man must pay Mehr to his wife. Hence it became a basic requirement before marriage could take place amongst these couples.

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  7. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The Muslim religion is Islam. These are my simple explanations of what is the Islam religion. 1. Beliefs of Islam The central belief of the Muslim religion is that there is only one God, which is known as Allah in Arabic. What is Muslim religion is believes that Muhammad was a messenger from God, whRead more

    The Muslim religion is Islam. These are my simple explanations of what is the Islam religion.

    1. Beliefs of Islam

    The central belief of the Muslim religion is that there is only one God, which is known as Allah in Arabic. What is Muslim religion is believes that Muhammad was a messenger from God, who delivered guidance and wisdom to mankind in the form of scriptures, the Quran, and Hadith. Muslims believe that following these scriptures provides a path to reaching Allah (God).

    2. Five Pillars of Islam

    The core belief of the Islamic faith is the Five Pillars of Islam. Which serve as guidelines for how followers should live their lives. The first pillar is Shahadah, or the declaration that there is no other god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. Salat, or Namaz prayer five times per day. Zakat, or donating to charity. Sawm, or fasting during Ramadan. and Hajj, or a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in one’s lifetime. These five pillars provide structure to the Islamic lifestyle and constitute its framework for worship and justice.

    3. Sharia Law

    Sharia Law almost everyone knows today and it is familiar when they think of Islamic practice. This set of laws outlines everything from daily religious observance to morals, and regulations cover how individuals interact with one another within society at large. Sharia dictates marriage regulations, food production methods, and much more. Sharia law serves as a practical code for living life based on morality tried-and-true for centuries.

    4. Quran

    The Quran is believed to be the direct words of God (Allah) revealed by an angel named Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad over 1,400 years ago through revelations called surahs. Over a period spanning twenty-three years from age 40 to 63. When Prophet Muhammad passed away peacefully surrounded by his closest companions who memorized every word of the revelations. Later written a book name Quran. Now this book considers guidance in life.

    5. Ramadan: A Holy time Of Year For Muslims

    Ramadan is the holiest month blessed special night Laylat al Qadr. This night Quran was completed. All believers fast from sunrise to sunset and do not drink or eat during fasting. End  of Ramadan month celebration day called Eid ul Fitr

    6. Islam Around the World

    Islam has an estimated 1.6 billion followers worldwide making it currently one of three major religions on earth alongside Christianity (2 Billion) and Hinduism (1400 Million) respectively. Although most highly populated predominantly Muslim countries can be found all throughout Asia Minor such as Turkey, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Afghanistan & Bangladesh.

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  8. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Follow these five instructions, if you are going to a Muslim wedding. 1. Traditional Dress: When attending a Muslim wedding, traditional dress is highly recommended. Depending on your regional background, culture, and gender. Traditional dress could include anything from an Ikat patterned silk sareeRead more

    Follow these five instructions, if you are going to a Muslim wedding.

    1. Traditional Dress:

    When attending a Muslim wedding, traditional dress is highly recommended. Depending on your regional background, culture, and gender. Traditional dress could include anything from an Ikat patterned silk saree to a shalwar kameez. Generally speaking conservative dress that covers shoulders and knees should be worn at all times. Shorter length skirts or dresses are prohibited.

    2. Jewelry:

    Many Muslims enjoy wearing gold jewelry as part of their wedding ceremony. Pieces such as jhumka earrings and maang tikhas (traditional Indian head pieces) can help elevate your look no matter what you are wearing. It does not need to be real jewelry.

    3. Shoes & Accessories:

    A good pair of closed shoes is essential if you plan on attending a Muslim wedding ceremony and will help keep you comfortable throughout the day too. Open toe shoes, flip-flops and stilettos are not appropriate for this event. Other small accessories like necklaces, beaded lockets, or even bangles help add subtle flair to your chosen outfit.

    4. Makeup & Hairstyle:

    Keep makeup light with breezy pastel colors that go well with your ensemble for natural looking hairstyles using hair oil is another good idea. You want to look elegant not distracting so avoid heavy eyeshadow or dramatic haircuts and styles during a Muslim wedding ceremony unless specifically instructed otherwise by the bride’s family beforehand.

    5. Colors To Wear:

    Narrow down your color shades by choosing demure neutral hues is also essential when attending a Muslim wedding. Stay away from vivid shades like reds or purples. These colors are too sharp to notice by others. Just keep colors light in your choice of colors like ivory, white and silver.

    6. Final Touches:

    Small details such as draping beaded necklaces around the shoulder region (for women only), adding an ornamented dupatta/hijab pinned back neatly in place (stringently required every time when outdoors), quick touch ups like brushing loose strands of hair off one’s face. Others just covering body is the Islamic religion is required.

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  9. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    There is no single durood sharif that is best. Durood Ibrahim is the only durood that is in Quran. At the same time different Islamic scholars have recommended various duroods and they are all equally valid. Also, it is up to a person to choose which durood brings them more blessings.

    There is no single durood sharif that is best. Durood Ibrahim is the only durood that is in Quran. At the same time different Islamic scholars have recommended various duroods and they are all equally valid. Also, it is up to a person to choose which durood brings them more blessings.

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  10. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The Muslim holy book is the Quran. Which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over 1400 years ago. It serves as a source of religious guidance and instruction for Muslims.

    The Muslim holy book is the Quran. Which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over 1400 years ago. It serves as a source of religious guidance and instruction for Muslims.

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