1. In Islam, the hijab is considered an important aspect of religious practice for Muslim women. The term "hijab" refers to both the physical garment that covers the head and body as well as the main concept of privacy in behavior. The importance of hijab in Islam comes from various references in the QRead more

    In Islam, the hijab is considered an important aspect of religious practice for Muslim women. The term “hijab” refers to both the physical garment that covers the head and body as well as the main concept of privacy in behavior.

    The importance of hijab in Islam comes from various references in the Quran and the Hadiths. Here are some references that highlight the importance of hijab:

    1. My first reference is from Quran Surah An-Nur verse 31.
    2. Second reference is from  Sahih Bukhari – Book 65, Hadith 280 – Narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)
    3. Third reference is  Sahih Muslim – Book 24, Hadith 5310 – Narrated by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him)
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  2. Jesus himself lived in a Jewish culture and religion during the first century, his teachings and the formation of Christianity distinguish it as a separate religious tradition.

    Jesus himself lived in a Jewish culture and religion during the first century, his teachings and the formation of Christianity distinguish it as a separate religious tradition.

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  3. Surah Al-Fatiha is known as the groom of the Quran due to its significance and central role in the Islamic prayer.

    Surah Al-Fatiha is known as the groom of the Quran due to its significance and central role in the Islamic prayer.

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  4. The question do women need their photos erased from social media is more like a personal choice. Posting pictures on social media is not haram, almost all social media are open source and anyone can use and post pictures. If we see social media photos religiously then I think consider my these 5 givRead more

    The question do women need their photos erased from social media is more like a personal choice. Posting pictures on social media is not haram, almost all social media are open source and anyone can use and post pictures. If we see social media photos religiously then I think consider my these 5 given points would be help to understand that even you want to remove social media photos as a women then what kind of photos can stay and what should not.

    1. Dress: When sharing photos, make ensure that you are dressed well according to the Islamic guidelines for covering the body, including observing hijab.

    2. Avoid sharing personal or intimate photos: Many women choose not to share personal or intimate photos that might compromise their privacy or dignity. If anyone did so they should erased these photos immediately from social media.

    3. Share photos with a purpose: Women might share photos that are related to their work, achievements, family, or educational purpose, with the intention of bring positive message to others and showcasing their talents and interests.

    4. Use privacy settings: Social media platforms do have privacy settings that allow users to control who can see their photos. Some women choose to restrict their photos to a selective group of friends and family, maintaining a level of privacy.

    5. Be mindful: It is important to be mindful of the intention behind sharing photos on social media. If intentions are just to seek attention of other men, validation, or engage in behavior that goes against Islamic principles, it may be advisable to erased those pictures.

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  5. Social media has become one of the most useful digital media in the modern world. We mostly use social media for freedom of speech at the same time we post many pictures of ourselves. Then by religious prospectus a big question appears. Is it haram in Islam to post pictures on social media? The answRead more

    Social media has become one of the most useful digital media in the modern world. We mostly use social media for freedom of speech at the same time we post many pictures of ourselves. Then by religious prospectus a big question appears. Is it haram in Islam to post pictures on social media? The answer to this question depends on several factors. So, intention behind the image is for worship or something harmful, then some Muslims may view it as haram. On the other hand, if it is done for beneficial reasons such as sharing knowledge or raising awareness about issues that impact Muslims directly or indirectly, then posting such pictures is considered acceptable in Islam.

    Women can post pictures on different social media like Instagram or Twitter while wearing a hijab. The concept of social media has been evolved. Now, many Muslims can easily connect with friends and family through these platforms. Some even use them for religious knowledge or providing religious advice to people just like Ask Saint.

    Muslim women should educate themselves about hijab and covering head and to know the pictures without hijab and open hairs are not nice since they know that this picture would seen by Na Mehram.

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  6. Whether or not is music haram in Islam is a topic of debate among scholars and within different Islamic sects. There is no certainty about is music is haram or not but opinions on this issue can vary. 1. Haram: Some Islamic scholars and schools of thought consider music to be haram, particularly ifRead more

    Whether or not is music haram in Islam is a topic of debate among scholars and within different Islamic sects. There is no certainty about is music is haram or not but opinions on this issue can vary.

    1. Haram: Some Islamic scholars and schools of thought consider music to be haram, particularly if the lyrics are vulgar or promote sinful behavior. They argue that music can lead people away from the remembrance of God (Allah) and can have a negative influence on behavior and morality.

    2. Halal: Other scholars and many Muslims believe that music is not completely haram. They argue that music can be enjoyed in moderation, as long as it does not promote sinful actions or distract from religious duties such as Namaz, Roza. They point to the absence of clear Quranic or Hadith prohibitions on music.

    3. Middle Ground: Some scholars and Muslims take a middle-ground approach, where they allow certain types of music. The music that is free from inappropriate or harmful content but not has shirk.

    4. Cultural Variation: It is important to note that opinion towards music can vary among different Islamic cultures and communities. What may be considered haram in one community might be seen as acceptable in another.

    Ultimately, the question of whether is music haram or halal in Islam depends on an your interpretation of Islamic teachings, your cultural background, and your personal beliefs.

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  7. Do Allah forgive all sins I can say yes, Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Forgiving. The concept of forgiveness is existing in Islamic theology. However, the forgiveness of sins by Allah depends on certain conditions and factors. Here are the some key points to consider for all sins forgiveness.Read more

    Do Allah forgive all sins I can say yes, Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Forgiving. The concept of forgiveness is existing in Islamic theology. However, the forgiveness of sins by Allah depends on certain conditions and factors. Here are the some key points to consider for all sins forgiveness.

    1. True Regret: To seek Allah forgiveness, sinner must sincerely regret for their sins. True regret means feeling unpleasant for the wrongdoing, making an intention not to sin again, and seeking forgiveness with a deep honest heart.

    2. Allah’s Mercy: Allah’s mercy is too big for all sins. The Quran mentions that Allah forgives all sins if a person regrets it. In Surah Az-Zumar ayat 53: “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'”

    3. Forgiveness Only Before Death: It is encouraged in Islam to seek forgiveness and regret for all sins throughout the sinner life. However, it is important that sinner should not delay regret until their deathbed because seeking forgiveness should only be done while a person is alive and able to fix his wrongdoings.

    4. Rights of Others: It is important to note that some sins where sinner hurts other humans. In such cases, to seek Allah’s forgiveness, sinner is also required to apologize to that person for all wrong deeds done to him.

    5. Intercession on the Day of Judgment: On the Day of Judgment, Allah may forgive some people sins through the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad or other prophets, depending on Allah will.

    It is important to know that while Allah mercy is very very big but still we should be careful with our actions because forgiveness is not guaranteed without truthful Tuba.

    Ultimately, the forgiveness of sins is a matter between you and Allah and it is only Allah will to forgive you with his mercy.

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  8. To know what is the time of Isha prayer is very simple. The timing of the Isha prayer in Islam varies based on geographical location and the time of year. Isha is the fifth and final daily prayer and is performed after sunset, when the red twilight in the sky disappears and complete darkness sets inRead more

    To know what is the time of Isha prayer is very simple. The timing of the Isha prayer in Islam varies based on geographical location and the time of year. Isha is the fifth and final daily prayer and is performed after sunset, when the red twilight in the sky disappears and complete darkness sets in. It is typically recommended to perform the Isha prayer as soon as this time begins, as delaying it unnecessarily is discouraged in Islamic tradition.

    Isha begins roughly 90 minutes right after Maghrib prayer its exact start time depends on the length of the night. Say Isha prayer before midnight to perform it correctly.

    To find the accurate timing for the Isha prayer in your specific location, you can refer to local Islamic centers, mosques, or use various online resources and smartphone apps that provide daily prayer times based on your geographical coordinates. Additionally, you can calculate the Isha prayer time using astronomical methods or consult reliable Islamic calendars.

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  9. Google is a well known ad network that helps publishers generate income by showing ads on their website. These advertisements are tailored to fit with both your content and visitors based on bidding algorithms. Many Muslim blogs rely on Google AdSense to display advertisements on their websites. UnfRead more

    Google is a well known ad network that helps publishers generate income by showing ads on their website. These advertisements are tailored to fit with both your content and visitors based on bidding algorithms.

    Many Muslim blogs rely on Google AdSense to display advertisements on their websites. Unfortunately, this can present a problem, as these advertisements could potentially be considered haram.

    For instance, advertisements that promote gambling, cigarettes, alcohols and other things that are considered haram to Muslims can present a real problem for Muslim publishers as it could lead to serious trouble or even ban of their site.

    If you are uncertain whether Google AdSense is Halal, take the time to read their policy page carefully and seek the opinions of credible Islamic scholars or experts who have studied this issue extensively. I have seen many Islamic scholars on YouTube they have AdSense accounts to generate revenue.

    Finally, to successfully make money using AdSense you must abide by a few strict rules that guarantee your earnings are halal. These include your ads must be Halal and the content within them must also adhere to these same requirements.

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  10. Islam does not have specific guidelines regarding the use of Google AdSense or any other specific online advertising platform. As these technologies did not exist during the time of the Quran and Hadiths. As a result, whether using Google AdSense or is advertising allowed in Islam generally falls unRead more

    Islam does not have specific guidelines regarding the use of Google AdSense or any other specific online advertising platform. As these technologies did not exist during the time of the Quran and Hadiths. As a result, whether using Google AdSense or is advertising allowed in Islam generally falls under the ethics of business and commerce in Islamic teachings.

    In Islamic teachings, engaging in business is generally considered allow as long as it respect to some certain ethics, such as honesty, transparency, and avoiding any harmful product or service. Google AdSense itself is an advertising program that allows website owners to display ads on their sites and earn revenue based on user clicks or impressions. As long as the content being promoted through AdSense does not violate any Islamic teachings, like promoting gambling, or adult content. There is typically no issue with using such advertising programs.

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