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2 Answers

  1. Dreams are of three types:

    1- Min Allah

    2- Min al-Nafs

    3- Min al Shaitan

    Scholars of interpretation have given some signs to differentiate between these three types of dreams. Most of our dreams are of the second type while many are of the third type and very few of the first type. And that too is based on how pious and pious the seer is, because most of the pious people have dreams of the first type, while all the dreams of the prophets are of the first type.

    True dreams are of the first kind

    They have some symptoms, one of them is that a dream seen before dawn is true, but it is not necessarily always a true dream.

  2. According to Islam, there are two types of dreams, good and bad. Good dreams contain clear messages from Allah which bring hope and glad tidings. Such dreams tend to be short and concise, signifying Allah’s guidance in a person’s life. On the other hand, bad dreams can be seen as a warning from Shaytaan and should not be taken too seriously or used to make any major decisions. Dreams involving flying, falling, being chased, having extraordinary powers etc. may signify that one is facing some challenge in life and should not give up on their goals no matter what distractions may come along the way.