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  1. Copying in exams or making someone else copy is illegal in Shariah, it is a combination of many sins, cheating is found in it, while the famous hadith says that whoever cheated is not one of us, and copying is also a breach of promise. That is not the way of the believers, as well as breaking the laRead more

    Copying in exams or making someone else copy is illegal in Shariah, it is a combination of many sins, cheating is found in it, while the famous hadith says that whoever cheated is not one of us, and copying is also a breach of promise. That is not the way of the believers, as well as breaking the law; Since copying is prohibited by government laws as well as the laws of every institution, this practice is illegal.

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  1. It is biggest sin like zina. If you touch ghair mehram with sexual urge. You did zina and all the punishment of zina will be given. Allah protect ourselves from biggest sins. And forgive all

    It is biggest sin like zina. If you touch ghair mehram with sexual urge. You did zina and all the punishment of zina will be given.

    Allah protect ourselves from biggest sins. And forgive all

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  1. 1) Associating others with Allah (shirk) 2) Witchcraft (Magic) 3) Killing a soul whom Allah has forbidden us to kill 4) Consuming orphans 5) Riba 6) Fleeing from the battlefield 7) Slandering chaste women

    1) Associating others with Allah (shirk)

    2) Witchcraft (Magic)

    3) Killing a soul whom Allah has forbidden us to kill

    4) Consuming orphans

    5) Riba

    6) Fleeing from the battlefield

    7) Slandering chaste women

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Yes, zina is a major sin in Islam. According to the Quran, Zina, alcohol, and gambling, are major sins. Zina is the most serious sin in Islam compared to other sins. I am explaining more about why Zina is a big sin reasons and references for Is zina a major sin. Three Reasons for Zina is Major Sin ZRead more

    Yes, zina is a major sin in Islam. According to the Quran, Zina, alcohol, and gambling, are major sins. Zina is the most serious sin in Islam compared to other sins. I am explaining more about why Zina is a big sin reasons and references for Is zina a major sin.

    Three Reasons for Zina is Major Sin

    1. Zina is against Allah Command.
    2. Zina is against personal dignity and honor
    3. Zina has a very negative social impact on family relatives and society.

    Reference from the Quran and Hadith

    Quran: These are two main references from the Quran about the Zina. First, Al-Isra 17:32 and, second Al-Furqan 25:68.

    Hadith: No adulterer is a believer at the time when he is committing adultery, no thief is a believer at the time when he is stealing, no drinker of alchol is a believer at the time when he is drinking. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    Islamic Legal Consequences

    In Islamic law, the punishment for Zina is the most severe compared to other sins. Islamic law, defines two different punishments for a single person are different and for a married person are different. The punishment for a married person who is committing Zina should be stoned to death, while for an unmarried person, it is 100 lashes and exile for one year.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Definition of Kufr: Kufr, in Islamic terminology, refers to disbelief in Allah and His Messenger, whether it involves outright denial, doubt, turning away due to arrogance or jealousy, or following personal whims that prevent one from accepting the message. Kinds of Major Kufr: The scholars have ideRead more

    Definition of Kufr:

    Kufr, in Islamic terminology, refers to disbelief in Allah and His Messenger, whether it involves outright denial, doubt, turning away due to arrogance or jealousy, or following personal whims that prevent one from accepting the message.

    Kinds of Major Kufr:

    The scholars have identified several major types of kufr that exclude a person from the circle of Islam. These include:

    • Kufr of Denial and Rejection:
      – This can occur either internally (in the heart) or externally (verbally).
      – Example: The Jews rejected Prophet Muhammad despite recognizing him as a true prophet.
    • Kufr of Turning Away in Arrogance:
      – Example: Satan (Iblis) refusing to bow to Adam out of pride.
      – Example: People who verbally claim belief but their actions show otherwise, such as those who ignore the teachings of Islam.
    • Kufr of Hypocrisy:
      – Outwardly showing belief while inwardly disbelieving.
      – Example: The hypocrites (munafiqin) during the time of the Prophet who pretended to be Muslims but secretly plotted against Islam.
    • Kufr of Doubt:
      – Hesitating or being uncertain about the truth of Islam.
      – Example: A person who is unsure about the existence of the Day of Judgment or other tenets of faith.

    Understanding and Avoidance:

    Knowing these types of kufr is crucial for Muslims to avoid falling into disbelief. Faith (iman) requires submission to Allah and rejection of kufr and shirk (associating partners with Allah).

    Examples and Manifestations:

    In the heart: Hating Allah, His signs, or His Messenger.
    Spoken words: Insulting Allah or expressing disbelief.
    Outward actions: Worshipping idols or offering sacrifices to other than Allah.


    Kufr encompasses various forms of disbelief, each potentially taking one beyond the pale of Islam. It is essential for Muslims to recognize and avoid these forms to maintain their faith and submission to Allah.

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  1. I can provide a list of some common sins in Islam that people confess: Neglecting prayers or delaying prayers Consuming alcohol or drugs Engaging in premarital or extramarital sexual relationships Lying or dishonesty Stealing or cheating Neglecting duties towards parents or family members BackbitingRead more

    I can provide a list of some common sins in Islam that people confess:

    1. Neglecting prayers or delaying prayers
    2. Consuming alcohol or drugs
    3. Engaging in premarital or extramarital sexual relationships
    4. Lying or dishonesty
    5. Stealing or cheating
    6. Neglecting duties towards parents or family members
    7. Backbiting or gossiping
    8. Showing off or seeking attention
    9. Engaging in activities that harm others or oneself
    10. Neglecting the obligations of zakat (charity) or Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
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