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  1. 1. Islamic Perspective on Jesus (Isa): Prophet Isa (Jesus): In Islam, Jesus is considered a prophet, not the Son of God or part of the Holy Trinity as in Christianity. Miraculous Birth: The Quran describes Jesus's miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary (Maryam), emphasizing it as a sign of Allah's poweRead more

    1. Islamic Perspective on Jesus (Isa):

    • Prophet Isa (Jesus): In Islam, Jesus is considered a prophet, not the Son of God or part of the Holy Trinity as in Christianity.
    • Miraculous Birth: The Quran describes Jesus’s miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary (Maryam), emphasizing it as a sign of Allah’s power.

    2. Christian Perspective on Jesus:

    • Son of God: In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the Son of God and a central figure in the Holy Trinity.
    • Virgin Birth: Christians also believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.

    3. Jewish Perspective on Jesus:

    • Judaism’s View: Judaism does not accept Jesus as the Messiah or the Son of God. He is not considered a prophet in traditional Jewish belief.

    4. Other Religious Perspectives:

    • Hinduism: Some Hindus view Jesus as an enlightened spiritual figure or avatar, while others do not incorporate him into their faith.
    • Buddhism: Buddhism does not have a specific belief in Jesus, as its focus is primarily on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).

    5. The Death and Second Coming of Jesus:

    • Islam: Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified but was raised up by Allah. He is expected to return as part of the signs of the Day of Judgment.
    • Christianity: Christians believe in Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Many await his second coming as the fulfillment of end-times prophecies.

    6. Key Differences and Commonalities:

    • Differences: The primary difference is the divinity of Jesus. Christianity sees him as the Son of God, while Islam regards him as a prophet. Additionally, Islamic beliefs emphasize monotheism and reject the concept of the Holy Trinity.
    • Commonalities: Both Islam and Christianity acknowledge Jesus’s miraculous virgin birth and his significance in divine history.

    Understanding these different beliefs helps promote interfaith dialogue and mutual respect among people of different religions.

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  1. Allah is the creator rest of the living or nonliving things are creatures. According to Quran Allah is the greatest he does not need anything he is alone in his qualities.

    Allah is the creator rest of the living or nonliving things are creatures. According to Quran Allah is the greatest he does not need anything he is alone in his qualities.

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  1. Christians do not believe in three Gods. Instead, they believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which is the belief in one God who exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. This concept is central to Christian theology and is not a belRead more

    Christians do not believe in three Gods. Instead, they believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which is the belief in one God who exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. This concept is central to Christian theology and is not a belief in multiple Gods. The Holy Trinity can be a challenging concept to understand, but it is important to emphasize that Christians maintain a belief in the unity of God. The three persons of the Trinity share the same divine essence or substance, making them one God. This belief distinguishes Christian monotheism from polytheism, which involves the belief in multiple Gods. In summary, the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity affirms the oneness of God while recognizing the three distinct persons within the Godhead. It is a foundational and complex theological concept in Christianity but does not represent a belief in three separate Gods.

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  1. Muslims believe in the Holy Spirit, known as the "Ruh al-Qudus" in Islam. However, it differs from the Christian concept. In Islam, the Holy Spirit is not a divine entity but a creation of Allah, serving as a means of conveying God's guidance to prophets and aiding them in their missions. Its role iRead more

    Muslims believe in the Holy Spirit, known as the “Ruh al-Qudus” in Islam. However, it differs from the Christian concept. In Islam, the Holy Spirit is not a divine entity but a creation of Allah, serving as a means of conveying God’s guidance to prophets and aiding them in their missions. Its role is primarily focused on divine inspiration and facilitating the transmission of God’s messages, in line with the Islamic belief in the absolute oneness of Allah.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Kalash tribe key beliefs and practices are include: 1. Polytheism: The Kalash tribe believe in multiple deities and spirits, so they are polytheistic. They have images of gods and goddesses that they worship and offer sacrifices too. 2. Nature Worship: The Kalash people have a strong connection withRead more

    Kalash tribe key beliefs and practices are include:

    1. Polytheism: The Kalash tribe believe in multiple deities and spirits, so they are polytheistic. They have images of gods and goddesses that they worship and offer sacrifices too.

    2. Nature Worship: The Kalash people have a strong connection with nature. They believe that spirits reside in natural elements such as trees, rivers, mountains, and animals. Many of their rituals and festivals are centered around nature.

    3. Ancestor Worship: The Kalash people respect their ancestors and believe that the spirits of the deceased continue to play a role in their lives. Ancestral spirits are believed to protect the living and are honored during various rituals.

    4. Festivals and Rituals: The Kalash tribe are known for their colorful festivals and rituals. The two most famous festivals are the “Chilimjushi” in spring and the “Uchal” in autumn. These festivals involve dancing, singing, feasting, and various rituals aimed at seeking blessings from the deities and ensuring good fortune for the community.

    5. Sacrifices: Animal sacrifices are an basic part of Kalash religious practices. Sacrifices are made to appease the gods and spirits, particularly during festivals and other significant events.

    6. Social Structure: The Kalash society is divided into different castes, and religious specialists called “Jestak” and “Besa” hold important roles. They serve as intermediaries between the community and the spiritual world, performing rituals, leading ceremonies, and providing guidance.

    7. Oral Traditions: The Kalash religion and cultural practices are passed down through oral traditions, stories, and songs. They do not have written scriptures but rely on verbal transmission of their beliefs and history.

    It is important to note that the Kalash culture and religion have faced challenges due to external influences, including the dominant Muslim culture in Pakistan. Over time, the Kalash community has experienced some degree of conversion to Islam. Which has led to concerns about the preservation of their distinct identity and practices.

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  1. This answer was improved

    Faith means (Shadaha)in Arabic.Fatith means that there is no other God without ALLAh and MUHAMMAD salla allahu alsihe wassallam is the the prophet of Allah. So Faith is the first step in Islam.with it no one called the Muslim.

    Faith means (Shadaha)in Arabic.Fatith means that there is no other God without ALLAh and MUHAMMAD salla allahu alsihe wassallam is the the prophet of Allah.

    So Faith is the first step in Islam.with it no one called the Muslim.

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