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2 Answers

  1. In Islam, Allah’s final prophet, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), was sent by Allah to deliver a complete way of life, which is the system of life guided by the Quran. It involves having complete faith and surrendering oneself to live in accordance with its teachings. Islam, in other words, is the religion or way of life of Muslims, wherein they acknowledge the oneness of Allah, submit to His supreme authority, and recognize Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final prophet.

    Islam is the religion or system of life in which, through the intercession of the Seal of the Prophets (peace be upon him), humanity lives in the light of the Quran, the final message from Allah. We claim that Islam is the last and complete religion from Allah, providing solutions to all human issues and, while ensuring worldly success, can be a means to ultimate salvation for mankind in today’s turbulent world.

  2. The religion of Islam means the acceptance of and obedience to those teachings of God which He revealed to His Last Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa alihi wasallam