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4 Answers

  1. Yes, dropshipping is generally considered halal in Islamic finance, as long as it adheres to Islamic principles and does not involve haram (forbidden) elements such as the sale of prohibited goods or engaging in interest-based transactions. However, it’s essential to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or financial advisor to ensure your specific business practices comply with Islamic ethics.

  2. It is Wakala (وکالہ بالبیع) Based transaction, and it is permissible in Islam as far as the product is Halal, and the share of Wakeel (the Seller) & the Supplier is identified.

  3. Drop shipping is not Halal as per hadith.

    The seller sales an item with out owner ship of the item.

    Hadith forbides sales of any thing you dont have

  4. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Dropshipping can be considered halal if certain conditions are met. The ruling on dropshipping depends on how the transaction is conducted:

    1. Profit sharing: This is Halal if you act as an agent for the vendor and agree on a margin or profit that you add to the products original price. The vendor owns the product, and you sell it on their behalf for a known commission.

    2. Acting as an agent for the original shop: This involves presenting the vendors product and selling it on their behalf, again for a known commission.

    3. Salam transaction: This involves payment in advance and is also halal under specific guidelines.

    4. Taking money from customers and buying items with it: If you act as an agent for the customers, using their money to purchase items, and do not buy items with your own money then ask them to pay you back, this is also considered halal.

    The key is ensuring that you are not selling something you don’t own or have not taken possession of yet and that the transaction follows Islamic principles of fairness and transparency.