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  1. The primary purpose of exams is to assess a student's performance and determine their abilities. However, if a student cheats and copies during an exam, they violate the principles of examination. This act constitutes deceit and betrayal, and it also wrongs all those students who have diligently preRead more

    The primary purpose of exams is to assess a student’s performance and determine their abilities. However, if a student cheats and copies during an exam, they violate the principles of examination. This act constitutes deceit and betrayal, and it also wrongs all those students who have diligently prepared and honestly taken their exams. Therefore, for all these reasons, cheating in exams is legally and morally prohibited.

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  1. There is no explicit verse in the Quran prohibiting tattoos. However, the prohibition is clearly mentioned in the Hadiths. Some references are as follows: Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2086 Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2238 Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 5942 Sahih Muslim, Hadith number: 5571 SunanRead more

    There is no explicit verse in the Quran prohibiting tattoos. However, the prohibition is clearly mentioned in the Hadiths. Some references are as follows:

    1. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2086
    2. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2238
    3. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 5942
    4. Sahih Muslim, Hadith number: 5571
    5. Sunan an-Nasa’i, Hadith number: 5104
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  1. In the case of temporary tattoos, if it prevent water from reaching the body during ablution (wudu) or bathing (ghusl), then it is necessary to remove it and then perform wudu or ghusl. Furthermore, this method is characteristic of disobedience and should be avoided.

    In the case of temporary tattoos, if it prevent water from reaching the body during ablution (wudu) or bathing (ghusl), then it is necessary to remove it and then perform wudu or ghusl. Furthermore, this method is characteristic of disobedience and should be avoided.

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  1. Buying a car on installments from a bank is permissible in Islam. The procedure should be as follows: Agree with the bank on the total price of the car and the duration over which it will be paid. Determine whether the payments will be monthly or annually. When buying and selling on credit, it is peRead more

    Buying a car on installments from a bank is permissible in Islam. The procedure should be as follows:

    1. Agree with the bank on the total price of the car and the duration over which it will be paid. Determine whether the payments will be monthly or annually.
    2. When buying and selling on credit, it is permissible to add a markup to the original price of the item. This markup is not considered interest (riba).
    3. However, imposing a penalty for late payment is considered usury (riba). Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that payments are made on time to avoid falling into the sin of paying riba.
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  1. In Sharia, there are certain etiquettes to be observed during intercourse, such as: only exposing the necessary parts of the body, not looking directly at the private parts, not being completely naked like animals, and avoiding acts like one spouse kissing the other's private parts. Such acts are coRead more

    In Sharia, there are certain etiquettes to be observed during intercourse, such as: only exposing the necessary parts of the body, not looking directly at the private parts, not being completely naked like animals, and avoiding acts like one spouse kissing the other’s private parts. Such acts are considered inappropriate, as the tongue used for mentioning Allah should not be used for kissing the private parts. Additionally, such behavior is likened to that of animals, hence a Muslim should avoid it. However, if someone, driven by overwhelming desire, engages in such an act, and there is no impurity on the private parts, it is not deemed impermissible or haram.

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  1. Exactly. When it comes to food, eating a spider is prohibited (haram). However, if a spider falls into some food and then leaves, the food does not become haram because a spider does not have flowing blood.

    Exactly. When it comes to food, eating a spider is prohibited (haram). However, if a spider falls into some food and then leaves, the food does not become haram because a spider does not have flowing blood.

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