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3 Answers

  1. 1. How to Stop Looking at Pornography:

    • Overcoming pornography addiction can be challenging, but it is possible. Here are some steps to help: a. Acknowledge the Problem: Recognize that viewing pornography is a problem. b. Seek Help: Consider talking to a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction. c. Use Filters and Blockers: Install content filters and blockers on your devices. d. Engage in Positive Activities: Replace the time spent on pornography with hobbies, exercise, or other positive activities. e. Accountability: Share your struggle with a trusted friend or family member who can support you. f. Spiritual Guidance: Seek guidance from religious leaders or scholars who can provide Islamic perspective and support. g. Prayer and Fasting: Engage in regular prayer (Salat) and fasting (Sawm), as they can help control desires.

    2. Why Do Some Muslims Consume Pornography:

    • Muslims, like individuals from any other religious or cultural background, can struggle with pornography addiction. The reasons can be complex and may include curiosity, stress relief, peer influence, or simply accidental exposure.

    3. Nafs in Islam:

    • In Islamic theology, “nafs” refers to the human soul or self, and it is often categorized into different stages: a. Nafs al-Ammarah: The commanding soul that incites one toward sinful desires. b. Nafs al-Lawwamah: The self-reproaching soul that regrets sinful behavior. c. Nafs al-Mutma’innah: The content and peaceful soul that is closest to God.

    4. Role of Fasting and Prayer:

    • Fasting during Ramadan and engaging in regular prayer (Salat) are essential practices in Islam. They are seen as means of self-purification, self-control, and spiritual growth.
    • Fasting is indeed considered an effective way to counter one’s desires (including the desires of Nafs al-Ammarah) and develop self-discipline.

    5. Vision of Jihad and Slavery in Islam:

    • The concept of jihad in Islam has various meanings, including the internal struggle against one’s own desires and temptations.
    • While historical instances of slavery are recorded, contemporary Islamic scholars and organizations universally condemn the practice.
    • Owning slaves is illegal and considered morally wrong in most countries today.

    6. Contemporary Challenges:

    • Modern challenges, such as easy access to explicit content on the internet, can contribute to pornography addiction.
    • Muslims are encouraged to uphold Islamic ethics and values, which promote modesty, chastity, and self-restraint.

    In conclusion, addressing pornography addiction in the context of Islam involves recognizing the problem, seeking help, engaging in spiritual practices, and fostering self-control. It’s essential to remember that seeking guidance and support, both from professionals and within the faith community, is crucial in overcoming such challenges.

  2. recite Astagfirullah as much as you can. It will help to leave watching porn

  3. You must recognize the impact that viewing excessive pornography is having on your work and relationships. …
    Know what you’re watching isn’t real. …
    Stay busy. …
    Find alternate ways to release stress. …
    Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.