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  1. To avoid chewing gum while fasting to ensure your fast is valid, as some ingredients or swallowing could potentially break the fast.

  2. Avoid chewing gum while fasting because some ingredients or swallowing could potentially break the fast.

  3. The permissibility of chewing gum while fasting in Islam is a subject of debate among Islamic scholars, and the ruling may vary depending on the interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence. Here are some considerations:

    1. No Nutritional Value: Some scholars argue that chewing gum has no nutritional value, and since fasting in Islam primarily involves abstaining from food, drink, and other specific actions (like smoking), chewing gum may be permissible as it doesn’t provide nourishment.
    2. Ingredients: The permissibility of chewing gum can also depend on its ingredients. If the gum contains any substance that is considered haram (forbidden) in Islam, such as alcohol or non-halal gelatin, it would likely be discouraged or forbidden to consume while fasting.
    3. Intention: Some scholars emphasize the importance of intention in fasting. If someone chews gum with the intention of breaking their fast or deriving nourishment from it, then it would invalidate the fast. However, if the intention is merely to freshen the breath or for some other non-nourishing purpose, some scholars may consider it permissible.
    4. Precaution: To err on the side of caution, many Muslims choose to avoid chewing gum during fasting hours to ensure they do not accidentally invalidate their fast.

    It’s important to note that interpretations and rulings on fasting practices can vary among Islamic scholars and schools of thought. Therefore, if you have specific questions about fasting during Ramadan or other fasts, it’s advisable to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or a religious authority who can provide guidance based on your individual circumstances and beliefs. They can offer more precise guidance based on your particular situation and the specific gum product in question.

  4. When while we have a fasting avoid chew the gum and any kind of food and drinks .

  5. No

    You cannot put any thing inside your mouth while fasting.

  6. Because of the fast is broken by eating, drinking and sexual intercourse, so while chewing gum we feel its taste and release its juice into our stomach, this is the reason to broken fast.