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2 Answers

  1. The reason why hijab is important in Islam is because it shows a woman’s connection to faith and her submission to the Allah Almighty. It also protects her from harassments. There are many other reasons hijab is important in Islam. It can be found eight times in the Qur’an. Islam has given women rights and give will to women to make their own decision about hijab.

    However, there are some places where hijab is forced on women. This may happen due to social or cultural pressures.

    Historically, it was common for women to cover their bodies. Modesty was not only a part of religions that were revealed before Islam, but also was a normal in most cultures. But in the late 21th century, modesty became a more universal practice.

    Since 9/11, the subject of hijab has received increased scrutiny. Several Western nations have even banned it in government institutions and educational institutions. Some people believe that it is oppressive. Other people argue that wearing the hijab is just another religious practice.

    Islam want to protect women and another major reason that why hijab is important in Islam is that gives a women physical peace and safety. Hijab helps to prevent displaying a woman beauty. By covering her face and hands, she an better control the reactions of strangers.

    Hijab is an important component of Islam because it helps to prevent sexual abuse. In addition, it allows a woman to value herself and her inner strength. This is what hijab is and its important.

  2. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    In Islam, the hijab is considered an important aspect of religious practice for Muslim women. The term “hijab” refers to both the physical garment that covers the head and body as well as the main concept of privacy in behavior.

    The importance of hijab in Islam comes from various references in the Quran and the Hadiths. Here are some references that highlight the importance of hijab:

    1. My first reference is from Quran Surah An-Nur verse 31.
    2. Second reference is from  Sahih Bukhari – Book 65, Hadith 280 – Narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)
    3. Third reference is  Sahih Muslim – Book 24, Hadith 5310 – Narrated by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him)