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  1. The following are twenty conditions for Hajj.e.Badal

    1- Hajj is obligatory on the person on whose behalf Hajj is being performed due to wealth and health.

    2- Not to be disabled forever.

    3- Making intentions on behalf of the deceased.

    4- Ordering the executor of the deceased to exchange Hajj.

    5- Most of the expenses of Hajj should come from the wealth of the deceased.

    6- The person who has been ordered to change the Hajj should change the Hajj himself.

    7- Determining Hajj on behalf of the deceased.

    8- Not having a wage condition.

    9- If the deceased has designated a particular person, performing Hajj for him.

    10- The deceased becoming disabled from performing Hajj at the end of his life.

    11- Riding for Hajj.

    12- If there is room in one-third of the tarqa, then go for Hajj from the homeland of the deceased, otherwise, leave for Hajj from wherever possible.

    13- Putting on Ihram before or after Miqat.

    14- Do not invalidate Hajj.

    15- Not to oppose the order of the executor of the deceased.

    16- Wearing Ihram for one Hajj, not wearing Ihram for Hajj by several people.

    17, 18- Both the deceased and the executor are sane and mature.

    19- The employee should be smart and intelligent.2

    20- The official should not miss Hajj by engaging in his busyness.