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  1. to get cleanliness before bowing down to’s mandatory to make wuzu before namaz to get purity

  2. Islamic ritual purification process that involves cleansing specific parts of the body before performing various acts of worship, such as Salah (prayer) and handling the Quran. Wudu typically includes washing the hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, and feet according to a specific sequence and with the use of clean water. It’s an important practice in Islam, as it symbolizes physical and spiritual purity, preparing a person for their interactions with Allah through acts of devotion.

  3. Wudu, also known as wuzu, is the Islamic ritual purification process that involves washing specific parts of the body before performing acts of worship, such as prayer (Salat) and handling the Quran. Wudu typically includes washing the hands, mouth, nose, face, arms up to the elbows, wiping the head, and washing the feet. It is an essential part of maintaining cleanliness and spiritual purity in Islam.