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  1. It means that last day will happen. All people will be gathered. And justice will be done, everyone will be rewarded for his deeds

    1. Resurrection: Muslims believe that on the Last Day, all human beings who have ever lived will be resurrected from the dead. This resurrection is a central aspect of Islamic eschatology.
    2. Accountability: On the Last Day, every individual will be held accountable for their deeds and actions during their earthly life. Allah will judge each person based on their intentions and actions, and they will be rewarded or punished accordingly.
    3. The Day of Judgment: Belief in the Last Day includes the acceptance of the Day of Judgment, a day when Allah’s justice will prevail. This day is also referred to as the “Day of Reckoning.”
    4. Heaven and Hell: Muslims believe in the existence of Heaven (Jannah) and Hell (Jahannam). Belief in the Last Day entails the understanding that people will be rewarded with eternal bliss in Heaven for their faith and good deeds, while those who reject faith and commit grave sins will face punishment in Hell.
    5. Reckoning of Deeds: Each person’s deeds, both good and bad, will be presented before them on the Last Day. Believers will be rewarded with paradise, and disbelievers or wrongdoers will face the consequences of their actions.
    6. Intercession: Muslims believe in the possibility of intercession (Shafa’ah) on the Last Day. This means that some righteous individuals, including the prophets and pious believers, may intercede on behalf of others to seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.
    7. Predestination and Free Will: Islam teaches that while Allah has knowledge of everything, including the fate of individuals, human beings have free will. Belief in the Last Day involves the understanding that individuals are responsible for their choices and actions.
    8. Signs of the End Times: Islamic tradition provides various signs and prophecies regarding the approach of the Last Day, including the appearance of false prophets, moral decay, and widespread tribulations.

    In summary, Belief in the Last Day in Islam encompasses the resurrection of all individuals, accountability for their actions, the Day of Judgment, the existence of Heaven and Hell, the reckoning of deeds, the possibility of intercession, the balance between predestination and free will, and recognition of the signs leading to the end times. It is a central aspect of the Islamic faith and shapes a Muslim’s understanding of their purpose in this world and the hereafter.

  2. “Belief in the Last Day” is one of the fundamental beliefs in Islam and is considered one of the Six Pillars of Iman (faith). It refers to the belief in the Day of Judgment, which is the final day when all human beings will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds before Allah (God). Here is what is meant by “Belief in the Last Day” in Islam:

    1. Resurrection and Accountability: Muslims believe that after death, every individual will be resurrected from the dead on the Day of Judgment. On this day, each person will stand before Allah and be held accountable for their actions during their earthly life. Every deed, whether good or bad, will be brought forth, and individuals will be recompensed accordingly.
    2. Reward and Punishment: Belief in the Last Day includes the understanding that Allah is just and merciful. Those who have lived a righteous and virtuous life, who have faith in Allah, and have performed good deeds will be rewarded with eternal paradise (Jannah). Conversely, those who have rejected faith or lived a life of disobedience to Allah’s guidance will face punishment in the Hellfire (Jahannam).
    3. The End of the World: Muslims believe that the Day of Judgment will mark the end of the world as we know it. All of creation, including the heavens and the earth, will be transformed, and the universe as we know it will cease to exist.
    4. Signs of the Hour: Islamic tradition holds that there will be signs leading up to the Day of Judgment, including the appearance of false prophets, moral decay, and various natural disasters. These signs are believed to indicate that the Day of Judgment is drawing near.
    5. The Role of Prophets: Prophets and messengers were sent by Allah throughout history to guide humanity and warn them about the Last Day. The final prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), delivered Allah’s message and provided guidance about the events surrounding the Day of Judgment.

    Belief in the Last Day serves as a source of motivation for Muslims to live a righteous and ethical life, knowing that they will be held accountable for their actions. It also offers hope and comfort, as it assures believers that Allah’s justice will ultimately prevail, and those who endure hardships and trials with patience and faith will be rewarded in the Hereafter. This belief underscores the importance of faith, good deeds, and moral conduct in the life of a Muslim

  3. Believe in last day means,
    Allah has created all of us and there is a day coming when every one is gathered from Adam A.S to the last man take birth on the earth and the Allah will come with the angel and then peoples who have done good deeds will be rewarded by jannah and blessing and the peoples who have bad deeds with them should be punished.

  4. Belief in the Last Day, also known as Yawm al-Qiyamah or Day of Reckoning, is a fundamental tenet of Islam. It refers to the belief in:


    1. The end of the world as we know it.

    2. The resurrection of all souls from their graves.

    3. The reckoning and accounting of every individual’s actions, deeds, and intentions in this life.

    4. The judgment by Allah, the Almighty, to determine one’s fate in the Hereafter.

    5. The belief in Paradise (Jannah) and Hell (Jahannam) as eternal destinations.

    6. The belief in the Bridge of Sirat, which separates Paradise and Hell, and the accountability for one’s actions.

    7. The belief in the weighing of deeds on the scales of justice.

    8. The belief in the questioning in the grave and the final reckoning.

    This belief serves as a reminder to Muslims to:

    – Lead a righteous life

    – Be mindful of their actions

    – Strive for moral excellence

    – Seek forgiveness and mercy

    – Prepare for the eternal life to come

    Belief in the Last Day is a cornerstone of Islamic faith, motivating believers to live a virtuous life and strive for a blessed hereafter.