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2 Answers

  1. marriage is seen as a lifelong commitment, And the intention should be to establish a loving and stable family based on mutual respect love and understanding.

  2. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    In Islam, marriage is a bond between a man and a woman to start a family based on mutual love and respect. In the Quran, Allah mentions in Surah Ar-Rum ayat 21 that Alla made couples with love and mercy. Marriage is not only a religious act but also has multiple purposes. Marriage in Islam is not only a contract between two couples but also supporting each other in good and bad times till the end of life.

    Moreover, marriage in Islam is to fulfill sexual desire lawfully. Give birth to children raise them with morality and teach them Islam. In Islamic marriage, there are many rights and responsibilities for both spouses. A husband must provide financial support to his wife and for a wife to manage the household and raise children.

    In conclusion, marriage in Islam is an important part of human life that creates a family fulfills human needs, and creates a society full of morality in Islam. Islamic marriage is purely based on mutual consent, love, and respect between spouses.