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  1. The word “Zakat” (ุฒูƒุงุฉ) is an Arabic term in Islam that means “purification” or “growth.” It is often translated as “charity” or “almsgiving” in English, but these translations do not fully capture the broader significance and purpose of Zakat in Islamic practice.

    Zakat is called so because of its essential role in purifying one’s wealth and society while promoting growth and social welfare. It is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is obligatory for eligible Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those in need. The main reasons Zakat is called “purification” and “growth” are as follows:

    1. Purification of Wealth: Zakat serves as a means to purify one’s wealth by removing a portion of accumulated, surplus wealth and redistributing it among those who are less fortunate. It helps cleanse the wealth of the giver from any greed or attachment to material possessions.
    2. Purification of the Soul: Giving Zakat is not just about financial transactions; it is an act of worship that purifies the soul of the giver. It cultivates generosity, empathy, and compassion, which are considered virtuous qualities in Islam.
    3. Growth of Wealth: Paradoxically, by giving away a portion of their wealth, Muslims believe that Allah blesses them with growth and increase in their remaining wealth. This reflects the idea that charitable acts are rewarded by God and result in barakah, or divine blessings.
    4. Growth of Society: Zakat plays a crucial role in fostering social and economic growth within the Muslim community. It redistributes wealth from the affluent to the needy, helping to reduce poverty and economic disparities.
    5. Social Welfare: Zakat is a mechanism for providing essential support to the less fortunate members of society, including the poor, orphans, widows, and those in need. It helps ensure that basic needs are met and that individuals have access to education, healthcare, and other necessities.
    6. Social Cohesion: By giving Zakat, Muslims contribute to the well-being of their community and promote social cohesion. It strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood among believers, as it fosters a sense of responsibility for one another.

    In Islam, Zakat is not an arbitrary or optional act of charity; it is a mandatory obligation for those who meet specific wealth and income criteria. The recipients of Zakat include those in need, with clear categories defined in Islamic jurisprudence.

    Zakat is considered a vital means of achieving both individual and collective well-being, as it emphasizes wealth redistribution, social justice, and the shared responsibility of Muslims toward the less fortunate members of their community.

  2. The word “Zakat” (ุฒูƒุงุฉ) in Islam refers to a form of obligatory almsgiving or charity. Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the fundamental acts of worship and practice that every Muslim is expected to follow. It is a significant aspect of Islamic financial and social responsibility. The term “Zakat” is derived from the Arabic root word “z-k-w,” which means “to purify” or “to grow.” The name reflects the dual purpose and significance of Zakat: Purification of Wealth: By giving a portion of their wealth to those in need, Muslims purify their own wealth. It signifies the removal of excess or impurity from one’s possessions, both material and spiritual. Growth and Blessing: Zakat is also seen as a means of blessing and growth. It is believed that when Muslims fulfill their duty of giving Zakat, it not only benefits those in need but also brings growth and prosperity to the giver’s wealth and community. Zakat is typically calculated as a specific percentage (usually 2.5%) of a Muslim’s accumulated wealth and assets, and it is distributed to designated categories of recipients, including the poor, needy, orphans, and others in need. It is obligatory for those Muslims who meet specific wealth and income criteria, and it is intended to address economic disparities and provide for the welfare of the less fortunate in Islamic society.

  3. Zakat means “charity” or “almsgiving” in Islam, and it’s called so because it purifies wealth and helps it grow through charitable giving.

    Simple word meaning is purification

  4. The word “Zakat” (ุฒูƒุงุฉ) is an Arabic term that means “purification,” “growth,” and “blessing.” It is called so because it is believed to:

    1. Purify one’s wealth and soul by removing excess and imperfections.

    2. Promote growth and increase in one’s wealth and blessings.

    3. Bring blessings and divine favor to the giver and the recipient.

    In Islam, Zakat is the third pillar of the faith and is considered a compulsory act of charity, requiring Muslims to give a portion of their excess wealth (usually 2.5%) to the poor and needy. The term “Zakat” reflects the spiritual and social aspects of this act, emphasizing its role in fostering a sense of community, compassion, and gratitude.