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7 Answers

  1. The four prominent Sunni Islamic jurists and scholars known as the “Four Imams” are:

    1. Imam Abu Hanifa (699-767 CE): Founder of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence (Fiqh). His teachings are followed by a significant portion of Sunni Muslims, particularly in South Asia and Turkey.

    2. Imam Malik ibn Anas (711-795 CE): Founder of the Maliki school of jurisprudence. His school is primarily followed in North and West Africa.

    3. Imam Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi’i (767-820 CE): Founder of the Shafi’i school of jurisprudence. The Shafi’i school is influential in East Africa, Southeast Asia, and parts of the Arabian Peninsula.

    4. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (780-855 CE): Founder of the Hanbali school of jurisprudence. His school has a smaller following but is significant in Saudi Arabia and some other parts of the Muslim world.

    These four Imams played a pivotal role in the development of Islamic jurisprudence and continue to influence the practice of Islamic law (Sharia) today. Different Muslim communities and regions may follow the teachings of one of these Imams, depending on their historical and geographical contexts.

  2. Imam Abu hanifa,Imam shafi,imam Malik,Imam Ahmad bin hamble

    1.  Hazrat Imam Abu hanifa (R:)
    2. Hazrat Imam Safi (R:)
    3. Hazrat Imam Malek (R:)
    4. Hazrat Imam Ahmad bin Hamble (R:)
  3. the name of four imams.
    Imam Abu hanifa
    Imam Malik
    Imam shafi
    Imam Ahmad bin hanbal.

  4. Imam Abu Haniffa
    Imam Shaffi
    Imam Malik
    Imam Ahmad bin Hambal

  5. There are four Imams who were also the founder of 4 fiqh
    1) Imam Abu Hanifa (Noman bin sabit)
    2) Imam Shadi
    3) Imam Malik
    4) Imam Ahmed bin Hambal

  6. حضرت امام ابو حنیفہ رح
    حضرت امام شافعی رح
    حضرت امام مالک رح
    حضرت امام احمد بن حنبل رح