In Islam, forgiveness for sins, including the sin of Zina (sexual intercourse outside of lawful marriage), is possible through sincere repentance and seeking Allah's forgiveness. Islam teaches that Allah is the Most Merciful and Forgiving, and He accepts repentance from those who turn to Him with geRead more
In Islam, forgiveness for sins, including the sin of Zina (sexual intercourse outside of lawful marriage), is possible through sincere repentance and seeking Allah’s forgiveness. Islam teaches that Allah is the Most Merciful and Forgiving, and He accepts repentance from those who turn to Him with genuine remorse and the intention to change their behavior. Here are some key points to understand about seeking forgiveness for the sin of Zina: Sincere Repentance: To seek Allah’s forgiveness for the sin of Zina, one must sincerely repent. Sincere repentance includes feeling remorse for the sin, resolving not to repeat it, and turning to Allah in supplication for forgiveness. Confession to Allah: Confession of sins should be made directly to Allah through prayer (dua) and supplication. There is no requirement to confess sins to others. Abandon the Sin: True repentance involves stopping the sinful behavior immediately. In the case of Zina, one should cease any ongoing illicit relationships. Seeking Forgiveness in Prayer: Regularly offer prayers (Salat) and ask Allah for His forgiveness. Use moments of privacy and reflection in your daily prayers to seek forgiveness for your sins. Charity and Good Deeds: Engaging in acts of charity (sadaqah) and performing good deeds can help expiate sins and earn Allah’s forgiveness.Seeking Guidance: Consult with a knowledgeable and trustworthy religious scholar or counselor for guidance on repentance and overcoming sin.Allah’s Mercy: It is important to believe in Allah’s boundless mercy and His willingness to forgive those who sincerely seek His forgiveness. The Quran mentions Allah’s forgiveness numerous times, emphasizing His compassion and willingness to pardon. Repentance is a fundamental concept in Islam, and Allah’s forgiveness is always attainable for those who sincerely turn to Him. While the sin of Zina is serious, it is not beyond forgiveness if one genuinely seeks Allah’s mercy and makes a commitment to avoid such sins in the future.
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Let it be clear that adultery is a major sin, if the girl with whom he has committed adultery even marries her later, the sin of adultery will not end simply by marrying, but if he regrets his act and repents before Allah with a sincere heart. If it is done and a firm determination is made not to coRead more
Let it be clear that adultery is a major sin, if the girl with whom he has committed adultery even marries her later, the sin of adultery will not end simply by marrying, but if he regrets his act and repents before Allah with a sincere heart. If it is done and a firm determination is made not to commit this sin in the future, then there is a strong hope from Allah Almighty that He will forgive.
The Messenger of God said: “The one who repents from a sin is like one who has no sin.( kitab al zuhud 1419/2 darul kotob al ilmiah)
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