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  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم In Islamic tradition الرياء (showing off) is considered Hidden shirk (الشرك الخفي) خرج علينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونحن نتذاكر المسيح الدجال، فقال: ألا أخبركم بما هو أخوف عليكم عندي من المسيح الدجال؟ قال: قلنا: بلى. فقال: "الشرك الخفي، أن يقوم الرجل يصلي، فيزين صلاته لمRead more

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    In Islamic tradition الرياء (showing off) is considered Hidden shirk (الشرك الخفي)

    خرج علينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونحن نتذاكر المسيح الدجال، فقال: ألا أخبركم بما هو أخوف عليكم عندي من المسيح الدجال؟ قال: قلنا: بلى. فقال: “الشرك الخفي، أن يقوم الرجل يصلي، فيزين صلاته لما يرى من نظر رجل. أخرجه ابن ماجه، وقال البوصيري في الزوائد: إسناده حسن.

    و الله أعلم بالصواب

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  1. It is permissible to recite dhikr for a woman in the state of menses and nifas, as well as reciting Durwood Pak, Istighfar, Kalima Tayyaba, or any other wazifa or reciting the prayers mentioned in the Holy Quran with the intention of dua or wazifa. Recitation of Holy Quran is not permissible in thisRead more

    It is permissible to recite dhikr for a woman in the state of menses and nifas, as well as reciting Durwood Pak, Istighfar, Kalima Tayyaba, or any other wazifa or reciting the prayers mentioned in the Holy Quran with the intention of dua or wazifa. Recitation of Holy Quran is not permissible in this situation۔۔۔
    Arabic reference۔۔

    الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (1/ 293):
    “فلو قرأت الفاتحة على وجه الدعاء أو شيئاً من الآيات التي فيها معنى الدعاء ولم ترد القراءة لا بأس به، كما قدمناه عن العيون لأبي الليث، وأن مفهومه أن ما ليس فيه معنى الدعاء كسورة أبي لهب لايؤثر فيه قصد غير القرآنية”.

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  1. In the Quran, the city of Madinah is also referred to by another name, "Yathrib." This name is mentioned in Surah Al-Hashr (Chapter 59), verse 8, where it says: "But those who had settled in the city [i.e., Madinah] and had accepted faith before them [the Muhajirun], love those who have emigrated toRead more

    In the Quran, the city of Madinah is also referred to by another name, “Yathrib.” This name is mentioned in Surah Al-Hashr (Chapter 59), verse 8, where it says: “But those who had settled in the city [i.e., Madinah] and had accepted faith before them [the Muhajirun], love those who have emigrated to them and find not any want in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be the successful.”

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  1. According to the Quran, the term "Bani Israeel" (or "Banu Isra'il") refers to the descendants of the Prophet Jacob (known as Prophet Yaqub in Islam). Prophet Jacob had twelve sons, who became the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. The descendants of these twelve tribes are collectively referreRead more

    According to the Quran, the term “Bani Israeel” (or “Banu Isra’il”) refers to the descendants of the Prophet Jacob (known as Prophet Yaqub in Islam). Prophet Jacob had twelve sons, who became the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. The descendants of these twelve tribes are collectively referred to as “Bani Israeel” in the Quran.The Quran mentions the history, trials, and guidance provided to the Children of Israel (Bani Israeel) in several places, highlighting their role in receiving earlier divine revelations and messages from God.

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  1. 1. How many years did it take for the Complete revelation of the Quran? The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years. 2. Why did it take 23 years? The Quran was revealed gradually over 23 years for several reasons: To provide guidance for evolving circumstances: The Quran addresses various aspecRead more

    1. How many years did it take for the Complete revelation of the Quran?

    • The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years.

    2. Why did it take 23 years?

    • The Quran was revealed gradually over 23 years for several reasons:
      • To provide guidance for evolving circumstances: The Quran addresses various aspects of life, including individual, social, and legal matters. It was revealed in response to specific situations and questions, allowing for practical guidance as needed.
      • To facilitate memorization: The Quran was meant to be memorized by the early Muslims. The gradual revelation made it easier for them to memorize and retain its verses.
      • To address specific events and questions: The Quran responds to events and issues as they arise during the Prophet’s mission, ensuring that the guidance is relevant and timely.

    3. How many years did it take for Prophet Muhammad to receive the complete Quran?

    • Prophet Muhammad received the complete Quran over a period of 23 years. The revelation began in 610 CE and continued until 632 CE when the Prophet passed away.

    4. Did the time it took for the Quran to be revealed depend on age, place, and time?

    • Yes, the time it took for the Quran to be revealed was influenced by various factors, including:
      • The age of the Prophet: The revelation began when Muhammad was 40 years old, and it continued until his passing at the age of 63.
      • The socio-political climate: The Quran addressed the specific challenges, conflicts, and issues faced by the early Muslim community in Mecca and later in Medina.
      • The places of Mecca and Medina: The Quranic verses often reflected the circumstances and challenges unique to these cities.
      • Questions and events of the time: Many Quranic verses were revealed in response to questions posed by the companions or as a reaction to specific events, ensuring that the guidance was practical and timely.
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