Ask Saint Latest Questions

  1. Posting a picture on Instagram for any purpose, whether it is your picture or another person's picture, it is not permissible to post this picture, and moreover, posting a picture of a stranger is also a sin of exposing an unaware woman. Yes, and revealing a woman's veil is a major sin, so every perRead more

    Posting a picture on Instagram for any purpose, whether it is your picture or another person’s picture, it is not permissible to post this picture, and moreover, posting a picture of a stranger is also a sin of exposing an unaware woman. Yes, and revealing a woman’s veil is a major sin, so every person should refrain from posting a nude picture on their Instagram profile

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  1. Authentic ahadith tell us that no picture, of a living thing, should be hanged on walls .As angels dont enter the home where there is picture hanging on a wall or a dog is present.

    Authentic ahadith tell us that no picture, of a living thing, should be hanged on walls .As angels dont enter the home where there is picture hanging on a wall or a dog is present.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Social media has become one of the most useful digital media in the modern world. We mostly use social media for freedom of speech at the same time we post many pictures of ourselves. Then by religious prospectus a big question appears. Is it haram in Islam to post pictures on social media? The answRead more

    Social media has become one of the most useful digital media in the modern world. We mostly use social media for freedom of speech at the same time we post many pictures of ourselves. Then by religious prospectus a big question appears. Is it haram in Islam to post pictures on social media? The answer to this question depends on several factors. So, intention behind the image is for worship or something harmful, then some Muslims may view it as haram. On the other hand, if it is done for beneficial reasons such as sharing knowledge or raising awareness about issues that impact Muslims directly or indirectly, then posting such pictures is considered acceptable in Islam.

    Women can post pictures on different social media like Instagram or Twitter while wearing a hijab. The concept of social media has been evolved. Now, many Muslims can easily connect with friends and family through these platforms. Some even use them for religious knowledge or providing religious advice to people just like Ask Saint.

    Muslim women should educate themselves about hijab and covering head and to know the pictures without hijab and open hairs are not nice since they know that this picture would seen by Na Mehram.

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