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  1. Forex trading involves buying and selling of gold, silver, currency, cotton, wheat, gas, crude oil, animals and many other commodities. According to our knowledge, the current methods of "forex trading" are illegal due to non-observance of Shariah principles and the presence of Shariah fraud.If goldRead more

    Forex trading involves buying and selling of gold, silver, currency, cotton, wheat, gas, crude oil, animals and many other commodities. According to our knowledge, the current methods of “forex trading” are illegal due to non-observance of Shariah principles and the presence of Shariah fraud.If gold, silver and currency are traded in forex trading, then as Shariat has imposed some conditions in the exchange of gold, silver and currency. One of the important conditions is the possession of both the assets of the case which means that the case is actually being conducted as a case. In which the negotiators want their place in exchange for both. The purpose of exchanging different currencies in an online forex business is usually neither the actual buying or selling of currencies.(Rather, the gain on the rise in prices is implied, in which the difference is eventually equalized, although in some cases gold, silver is also referred to on demand), Nor is possession found on its own terms, so this transaction will not be permissible.

    If forex trading involves trading in commodities other than gold, silver and currency However, since buying and selling in this business is usually only a paper transaction, the goods purchased are neither seized nor intended to be seized. Rather, profit and loss are simply equalized, as if it is only intended to play sata, In such a case, in the case of selling back the purchased item, it is necessary to “Bay Qabl Al Qabz” (selling the item before taking possession and ownership of it), which is prohibited in Hadith Sharif.

    God knows bestÛ”Û”Û”

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  1. In Islam, it is generally not permissible to pray for an early death before one's appointed time. Life is considered a precious gift, and seeking death prematurely is discouraged. Instead, it's encouraged to seek Allah's help in dealing with difficulties and to show patience and perseverance throughRead more

    In Islam, it is generally not permissible to pray for an early death before one’s appointed time. Life is considered a precious gift, and seeking death prematurely is discouraged. Instead, it’s encouraged to seek Allah’s help in dealing with difficulties and to show patience and perseverance through challenges. Praying for relief from hardships and strength to endure trials is more aligned with Islamic teachings. If facing emotional or mental distress, seeking professional help and support is important.

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  1. It is better to avoid traveling during fasting if possible, but it is not haram According to Islamic law, fasting while traveling longer (more then 85 km) is prohibited and consider haram. However if you are traveling nearby distance you can still fast and travel. source: Quran In the Quran, Allah sRead more

    It is better to avoid traveling during fasting if possible, but it is not haram According to Islamic law, fasting while traveling longer (more then 85 km) is prohibited and consider haram. However if you are traveling nearby distance you can still fast and travel.

    source: Quran

    In the Quran, Allah says that you are exempt from fasting while travelling because He does not wish to make it difficult for you

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  1. Yes, it is permissible for men to braid their hair. Hairstyle choices are a matter of personal preference and cultural norms, and there is no universal rule against men braiding their hair. Different cultures and individuals may have varying perspectives on this, but it's generally considered a persRead more

    Yes, it is permissible for men to braid their hair. Hairstyle choices are a matter of personal preference and cultural norms, and there is no universal rule against men braiding their hair. Different cultures and individuals may have varying perspectives on this, but it’s generally considered a personal choice.

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