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  1. Performing Ghusl (Ritual Bath) After Menstruation: 1. Intention (Niyyah): Begin by making a sincere intention for Ghusl, stating your intention to purify yourself from the state of menstruation. 2. Wash Hands: Start by washing your hands thoroughly, ensuring that no part is left dry. 3. Clean the PrRead more

    Performing Ghusl (Ritual Bath) After Menstruation:

    1. Intention (Niyyah):

    • Begin by making a sincere intention for Ghusl, stating your intention to purify yourself from the state of menstruation.

    2. Wash Hands:

    • Start by washing your hands thoroughly, ensuring that no part is left dry.

    3. Clean the Private Parts:

    • Clean your private parts from any menstrual discharge. You may use a mild, unscented soap if needed.

    4. Perform Wudu (Ablution):

    • Complete a regular wudu (ablution) as you would before prayer. This includes washing the face, arms, wiping the head, and washing the feet.

    5. Pour Water Over the Body:

    • After performing wudu, pour water over your entire body, making sure it reaches every part. You can use a container or a shower for this purpose.

    6. Ensure Water Reaches Everywhere:

    • Ensure that water reaches every part of your body, including your hair, ears, and between your fingers and toes.

    7. Cleanliness:

    • Repeat the process until you are satisfied that you are completely clean and free from menstrual discharge.

    8. Specific Intention for Ghusl:

    • While performing Ghusl, it’s good to renew your intention by saying something like, “I intend to perform Ghusl to purify myself from the state of menstruation.”

    Regarding the Color of Discharge:

    • The color of discharge can vary for different women. What is important is ensuring that there is no visible menstrual discharge during Ghusl. The water should be clear when you finish your Ghusl.

    Tayammum (Dry Ablution) When Water is Unavailable:

    1. Intention (Niyyah):

    • Begin by making a sincere intention for Tayammum, stating your intention to perform dry ablution due to the unavailability of water.

    2. Strike the Hands on Clean Earth or Dust:

    • Find clean earth or dust (free from impurities) and gently strike both your hands on it.

    3. Wipe the Face:

    • Wipe your face with both hands, starting from your forehead and moving to your chin. Ensure that your face is thoroughly covered.

    4. Wipe the Hands:

    • After wiping your face, wipe your hands up to your wrists with the remaining dust on your hands.

    5. Specific Intention for Tayammum:

    • While performing Tayammum, renew your intention by saying something like, “I intend to perform Tayammum as a substitute for Wudu (ablution) or Ghusl due to the unavailability of water.”

    Duration of Menstruation:

    • The duration of menstruation varies for each woman but typically lasts for 3 to 7 days. It can be shorter or longer in some cases.

    It’s important to note that Ghusl after menstruation is essential before resuming acts of worship, such as prayer and fasting. Tayammum is a valid alternative when water is unavailable, but it’s essential to use water whenever possible for purification.

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  1. In Islamic jurisprudence, there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding whether menstruating women can recite or touch the Quran during their menstrual period. The varying opinions stem from different interpretations of religious texts and traditions. Here are the two main perspectives:Read more

    In Islamic jurisprudence, there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding whether menstruating women can recite or touch the Quran during their menstrual period. The varying opinions stem from different interpretations of religious texts and traditions. Here are the two main perspectives: Prohibition or Restriction: Some scholars believe that menstruating women should not touch or recite the Quran during their period. They argue that this is based on a tradition (hadith) where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reportedly said that a menstruating woman should not recite the Quran. Permissibility with Care: Other scholars believe that it is permissible for menstruating women to recite or touch the Quran as long as they do so with respect and care. They argue that there is no clear prohibition in the Quran itself, and the hadiths on this topic are open to interpretation. These scholars emphasize that cleanliness and respect for the Quran should always be maintained. The difference in opinion is a matter of interpretation and jurisprudential schools of thought within Islam. As a result, different Muslim individuals and communities may follow varying practices in this regard. It’s important to note that personal religious practices can vary widely among Muslims, and individuals may consult with religious scholars or follow the guidance of their particular Islamic tradition or school of thought. Some women may choose to avoid handling the Quran during their menstrual period out of caution, while others may continue their recitation or read with care and reverence.

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  1. Wait till conpletion of 10 Days. If it stops by 10th day ir mean your previous habit (every woman has menstrual cycle habit) has been changed. If it bleeds even after 10 days, it mean you had been purified as per your habit like 6th, 7th or 8th day and afterward was ISTEHAZA. Now you have to offer QRead more

    Wait till conpletion of 10 Days. If it stops by 10th day ir mean your previous habit (every woman has menstrual cycle habit) has been changed. If it bleeds even after 10 days, it mean you had been purified as per your habit like 6th, 7th or 8th day and afterward was ISTEHAZA.

    Now you have to offer Qaza prayer for the days you waited upto 10th day.

    Note: in ISTEHAZA you can pray and no need to take bath (ghusal) for each namaz. Wudhu for each namaz is enough

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