The latest time you can pray Fajr (the dawn prayer) is just before sunrise. It is recommended to complete the Fajr prayer during the early morning twilight, but it must be performed before the first light of dawn turns into the full light of day.
The latest time you can pray Fajr (the dawn prayer) is just before sunrise. It is recommended to complete the Fajr prayer during the early morning twilight, but it must be performed before the first light of dawn turns into the full light of day.
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Yes the Rafah Yadain is mandatory at the onset of prayer with the very first Takbeer i.e. Takbeer Tahreema, and this is agreed upon. when it comes to doing Rafah Yadain at Rukoo and afterward there is a difference of opinion about that. What is reported from Abdullah Ibn e Masood the companion of PrRead more
Yes the Rafah Yadain is mandatory at the onset of prayer with the very first Takbeer i.e. Takbeer Tahreema, and this is agreed upon.
when it comes to doing Rafah Yadain at Rukoo and afterward there is a difference of opinion about that.
What is reported from Abdullah Ibn e Masood the companion of Prophet Pbuh is to abandon it in all places except with the first Takbeer.
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