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  1. Muslims and Christians both believe in one God, but they have different understandings of the nature of God and their respective religious teachings. Muslims worship Allah, who they believe is the one and only God, and their beliefs are outlined in the Quran. Christians, on the other hand, believe iRead more

    Muslims and Christians both believe in one God, but they have different understandings of the nature of God and their respective religious teachings. Muslims worship Allah, who they believe is the one and only God, and their beliefs are outlined in the Quran. Christians, on the other hand, believe in the Holy Trinity—Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit—and follow the teachings of the Bible. While there are similarities in the monotheistic belief in one God, the theological differences between Islam and Christianity are significant.

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  1. Allah is the creator rest of the living or nonliving things are creatures. According to Quran Allah is the greatest he does not need anything he is alone in his qualities.

    Allah is the creator rest of the living or nonliving things are creatures. According to Quran Allah is the greatest he does not need anything he is alone in his qualities.

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  1. عیسائیوں کے عقیدے کے مطابق تثلیث کا مطلب ہے اللہ ایک جوہر جو تین اشخاص پر مشتمل ہےباپ بیٹا اور روح اسے وہ اپنے گمان میں تین میں اور ایک میں تین کا نام دیتے ہیں، باپ سے انکی مراد وجود ہے اور روح سے مرادزندگی ہے بیٹے سے مراد مسیح ہے،انکے عقیدے کے مطابق عیسیٰ علیہ السلام معبود ہیں اس وجہ سے کہ اللہ تعاRead more

    عیسائیوں کے عقیدے کے مطابق تثلیث کا مطلب ہے اللہ ایک جوہر جو تین اشخاص پر مشتمل ہےباپ بیٹا اور روح اسے وہ اپنے گمان میں تین میں اور ایک میں تین کا نام دیتے ہیں، باپ سے انکی مراد وجود ہے اور روح سے مرادزندگی ہے بیٹے سے مراد مسیح ہے،انکے عقیدے کے مطابق عیسیٰ علیہ السلام معبود ہیں اس وجہ سے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ انکے ہاتھ پر خوارق عادت امور جاری کرتا تھااس عقیدے کو نیقیہ کونسل نے 325ء کو منظور کیا تھا۔

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  1. Christians do not believe in three Gods. Instead, they believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which is the belief in one God who exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. This concept is central to Christian theology and is not a belRead more

    Christians do not believe in three Gods. Instead, they believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which is the belief in one God who exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. This concept is central to Christian theology and is not a belief in multiple Gods. The Holy Trinity can be a challenging concept to understand, but it is important to emphasize that Christians maintain a belief in the unity of God. The three persons of the Trinity share the same divine essence or substance, making them one God. This belief distinguishes Christian monotheism from polytheism, which involves the belief in multiple Gods. In summary, the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity affirms the oneness of God while recognizing the three distinct persons within the Godhead. It is a foundational and complex theological concept in Christianity but does not represent a belief in three separate Gods.

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  1. Allah's presence is everywhere in the the sence of that Allah is seeing and listening to everyone. But when we talk about the exact location so its called ARSH which is defiend in Quran and Hadiths

    Allah’s presence is everywhere in the the sence of that Allah is seeing and listening to everyone.

    But when we talk about the exact location so its called ARSH which is defiend in Quran and Hadiths

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  1. The Holy Spirit is a Christian theological concept, representing the third person of the Holy Trinity, alongside God the Father and God the Son. It serves as a divine presence, guiding believers, empowering them spiritually, convicting them of sin, and providing comfort and assistance. This conceptRead more

    The Holy Spirit is a Christian theological concept, representing the third person of the Holy Trinity, alongside God the Father and God the Son. It serves as a divine presence, guiding believers, empowering them spiritually, convicting them of sin, and providing comfort and assistance. This concept is unique to Christianity and varies in its interpretation among different Christian denominations.

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  1. Christianity is one of most widespread religions globally, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Its followers understand God and salvation through Jesus Christ. The religion originated in the Middle East about 2,000 years ago. I am overviewing Christianity with its beliefs and religiouRead more

    Christianity is one of most widespread religions globally, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Its followers understand God and salvation through Jesus Christ. The religion originated in the Middle East about 2,000 years ago.

    I am overviewing Christianity with its beliefs and religious scriptures. Main belief of Christianity is Jesus is a Son of God. The Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. After his death, he rose from the dead on the third day. Christians also believe in a Trinity. Trinity means that God exists three ways the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    The Bible is Christian religious scripture. It is divided into two parts, Old Testament, and New Testament. The Ten Commandments also come from the Bible.

    Just like other religions Christianity does have different sects. These sects are Catholics, Protestants, and the Orthodox.

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  1. According to Christianity, God is the one who created the universe. Christianity is the concept of the Trinity, which means God is one consisting of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

    According to Christianity, God is the one who created the universe. Christianity is the concept of the Trinity, which means God is one consisting of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

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