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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer
    Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer WhatsApp: +923226690723

    In Islam, the name of God is Allah. The name "Allah" is derived from the Arabic word for God and is used exclusively to refer to the creator of the universe in Islam.

    In Islam, the name of God is Allah. The name “Allah” is derived from the Arabic word for God and is used exclusively to refer to the creator of the universe in Islam.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Do Allah forgive all sins I can say yes, Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Forgiving. The concept of forgiveness is existing in Islamic theology. However, the forgiveness of sins by Allah depends on certain conditions and factors. Here are the some key points to consider for all sins forgiveness.Read more

    Do Allah forgive all sins I can say yes, Allah is the Most Merciful and Most Forgiving. The concept of forgiveness is existing in Islamic theology. However, the forgiveness of sins by Allah depends on certain conditions and factors. Here are the some key points to consider for all sins forgiveness.

    1. True Regret: To seek Allah forgiveness, sinner must sincerely regret for their sins. True regret means feeling unpleasant for the wrongdoing, making an intention not to sin again, and seeking forgiveness with a deep honest heart.

    2. Allah’s Mercy: Allah’s mercy is too big for all sins. The Quran mentions that Allah forgives all sins if a person regrets it. In Surah Az-Zumar ayat 53: “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'”

    3. Forgiveness Only Before Death: It is encouraged in Islam to seek forgiveness and regret for all sins throughout the sinner life. However, it is important that sinner should not delay regret until their deathbed because seeking forgiveness should only be done while a person is alive and able to fix his wrongdoings.

    4. Rights of Others: It is important to note that some sins where sinner hurts other humans. In such cases, to seek Allah’s forgiveness, sinner is also required to apologize to that person for all wrong deeds done to him.

    5. Intercession on the Day of Judgment: On the Day of Judgment, Allah may forgive some people sins through the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad or other prophets, depending on Allah will.

    It is important to know that while Allah mercy is very very big but still we should be careful with our actions because forgiveness is not guaranteed without truthful Tuba.

    Ultimately, the forgiveness of sins is a matter between you and Allah and it is only Allah will to forgive you with his mercy.

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  1. The Purpose of Jinn's and Mankind's creation وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ (And I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except that they should worship Me."...51:56)

    The Purpose of Jinn’s and Mankind’s creation

    وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ (And I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except that they should worship Me.”…51:56)

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  1. These are the five pillars of Islam : 1. Kalma tayyaba. It means a Muslim must say that there is no god except Allah 2. Namaz: prayers five times daily are obligatory on all Muslims 3. Roza: fasting of the whole Ramzan 4. Zakat: To give a part of your savings to poor people 5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to MeRead more

    These are the five pillars of Islam :

    1. Kalma tayyaba. It means a Muslim must say that there is no god except Allah

    2. Namaz: prayers five times daily are obligatory on all Muslims

    3. Roza: fasting of the whole Ramzan

    4. Zakat: To give a part of your savings to poor people

    5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Dhu al-Qadah at least once in a lifetime

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  1. Imam is an Islamic leadership position. It refers to the person who leads the daily prayers in a mosque, or a religious leader or teacher in the Muslim community. The term is also used to refer to the religious leader of a Shi'ite Muslim community. In a wider sense, an Imam can be any person who isRead more

    Imam is an Islamic leadership position. It refers to the person who leads the daily prayers in a mosque, or a religious leader or teacher in the Muslim community. The term is also used to refer to the religious leader of a Shi’ite Muslim community. In a wider sense, an Imam can be any person who is considered to have a knowledge of and expertise in Islamic law and tradition, and is looked up to by the community for guidance and leadership.

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