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  1. There are not any specific supplications to be offered at finishing of the Quran. However finishing of one whole Quran is a blessed time so one should try to make duas and ask for forgiveness at this time.

    There are not any specific supplications to be offered at finishing of the Quran. However finishing of one whole Quran is a blessed time so one should try to make duas and ask for forgiveness at this time.

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  1. Mushrikeen were the people who didn't convert to the Islam & continued worship their Idols & other gods. On the other hand, Munafiqeen were the people who pretended as Muslims but they didn't believe in Islam from their hearts.

    Mushrikeen were the people who didn’t convert to the Islam & continued worship their Idols & other gods. On the other hand, Munafiqeen were the people who pretended as Muslims but they didn’t believe in Islam from their hearts.

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  1. Barzakh is an Arabic word which translates to a veil or partition. There are a lot of instances of this word in Qur'an too. However in popular context, the Barzakh means part of the other world. As per prophetic traditions, Barzakh refers to a space where all the Arwaah (spirits) of mankind will havRead more

    Barzakh is an Arabic word which translates to a veil or partition. There are a lot of instances of this word in Qur’an too. However in popular context, the Barzakh means part of the other world. As per prophetic traditions, Barzakh refers to a space where all the Arwaah (spirits) of mankind will have to stay & wait until the day of judgment.

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  1. About 124,000 prophets came to the world, in which the number of messengers was about 315.   Mishkaat al-Mashab is in:   And Abu Dharr said: I said: O Messenger of God, which prophets were the first? He said: "Adam". I said: O Messenger of God and Prophet? He said: "Yes, the Prophet said."Read more

    About 124,000 prophets came to the world, in which the number of messengers was about 315.


    Mishkaat al-Mashab is in:


    And Abu Dharr said: I said: O Messenger of God, which prophets were the first? He said: “Adam”. I said: O Messenger of God and Prophet? He said: “Yes, the Prophet said.” I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many people are there? He said: “Thirty-hundred and twenty-two usher jama Ghafira.”


    And in a narration on the authority of Abu Umaama, Abu Dharr said: I said, O Messenger of God, how many faithful prophets are there? He said: “One hundred and twenty-four thousand and twenty-one thousand messengers of that three hundred and five-thousand jama Ghafira.”


    (Chapter III of the Chapter on the Beginning of the People and the Dhikr of the Prophets, upon them be peace and blessings be upon them, Volume 3, p. 1599: Al-Muktab al-Islami, Beirut)


    Only God knows

    jazakAllah kher

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  1. The Quran is a holy book that was sent to Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W and these words are Allah SWT's which have remained the same, and not even one word has been changed since 1400 years, from when it was first revealed. The bible is the holy book for christians, but there are changes that have been maRead more

    The Quran is a holy book that was sent to Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W and these words are Allah SWT’s which have remained the same, and not even one word has been changed since 1400 years, from when it was first revealed.

    The bible is the holy book for christians, but there are changes that have been made to an extent, since it was revealed.

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