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  1. There are 14 place’s where Muslims believe, when the ayats of sujud tilawa in the Quran.

  2. There are 14 sajdah Tilawat in the Quran.

    They are in the following Ayat

    that He is Merciful too he who ask for His mercy and Grace. The verses are:

    1) Al Araf 206

    2) Al-Raad 15

    3) Al-Nahl 50

    4) bni Israil 109

    5) Maryam 57

    6) Hajj 18

    7) Furqan 60

    8) Naml 26

    9) Sajda 15

    10) แนขad 24

    11) Ha Meem 38

    12) Najm 62

    13) Inshiqaq 21

    14) Alaq 19

  3. Actually there are total 15 Sujood of Tilawat In Quran .ย  But according to majority 14 are Wajib or Compulsory . But According to Imam Shafi 15 are Wajib. So , That one is in end of Juzz 17.

  4. There are 14 places in the Quran where a Sujood (prostration) of recitation (Sujood at-Tilawah) is recommended. These are specific verses where Muslims are encouraged to perform a prostration of gratitude and reverence upon reciting or hearing them during the Quranic recitation. It’s a voluntary act of worship and reflection.

  5. Sujud Tilawah, also known as the prostration of recitation, is a recommended act of devotion in Islam that is performed when reciting specific verses in the Quran. This prostration is a way to express reverence and humility to Allah when encountering these particular verses. Here is information about Sujud Tilawah, the number of verses that require it, and its significance in both the Hanafi and Shafi’i schools of thought:

    Sujud Tilawah in Both Hanafi and Shafi’i Schools of Thought:

    • There are 14 verses in the Quran that are traditionally recognized as requiring Sujud Tilawah in both the Hanafi and Shafi’i schools of thought. When one recites any of these verses, it is recommended to perform a prostration of recitation.

    The 14 Verses Requiring Sujud Tilawah:

    1. Surah Al-A’raf (7:206)
    2. Surah Ar-Rad (13:15)
    3. Surah An-Nahl (16:26)
    4. Surah Al-Isra (17:109)
    5. Surah Maryam (19:58)
    6. Surah Al-Hajj (22:18)
    7. Surah Al-Furqan (25:60)
    8. Surah An-Naml (27:26)
    9. Surah As-Sajda (32:15)
    10. Surah Fussilat (41:38)
    11. Surah An-Najm (53:62)
    12. Surah Inshiqaq (84:21)
    13. Surah Al-Alaq (96:19)
    14. Surah Al-Hashr (59:24)

    What is Sujud Tilawah?

    • Sujud Tilawah is a recommended act of prostration performed during the recitation of certain Quranic verses.
    • It involves bowing down and prostrating in prayer as an expression of humility, gratitude, and reverence to Allah.

    Why Sujud Tilawah?

    • Sujud Tilawah is performed to acknowledge the extraordinary significance of the verses being recited, which often contain profound messages, divine commands, or mention important events or concepts in Islam.
    • It serves as an act of devotion and submission to Allah.
    • It is a means of seeking spiritual closeness to Allah and seeking His forgiveness.
    • Sujud Tilawah reminds Muslims of the importance of understanding and reflecting upon the Quranic verses.
    • While not obligatory, it is a recommended Sunnah practice and a way to increase one’s connection with the Quran.

    These 14 verses are recognized as requiring Sujud Tilawah in both the Hanafi and Shafi’i schools of thought. Performing the prostration upon reciting these verses is considered a meritorious act of worship and devotion in Islam.