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  1. Canonization

    Canonizationย  refers to the process of recognizing certain texts or teachings as authoritative and binding for a particular religious tradition. In Islam, the canonization process involved the recognition and compilation of the Quran as the central scripture of the faith.

    The process of canonization in Islam

    The process of canonization in Islam began during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet received revelations from God over a period of 23 years, and he transmitted these revelations to his companions, who memorized them and wrote them down on various materials such as palm leaves, animal skins, and pieces of bone. The Prophet also designated certain individuals to act as scribes and to write down the revelations as he received them.

    After the death of the Prophet, his companions continued to transmit and memorize the Quran, and it became the primary source of Islamic teachings and practices. During the reign of the third caliph, Uthman, a standardized version of the Quran was compiled and distributed to the various regions of the Islamic empire, in order to ensure its preservation and prevent any discrepancies in the various recitations that had developed over time.

    The process of canonization in Islam was different from that of other religions, such as Christianity, where canonization involved the selection of certain texts from among many competing works. In Islam, the canonization process was based on the belief that the Quran was directly revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad, and therefore it was considered to be the definitive and final word of God.

    In addition to the Quran, other sources of Islamic teachings and practices developed over time, including the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) and the Sunnah (the way of life and example of the Prophet). These sources were compiled and codified over several centuries, and their authenticity and reliability were carefully scrutinized by Islamic scholars. While these sources are considered to be authoritative in Islam, they are considered secondary to the Quran in terms of their status as sources of religious authority.