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Setting, Upsetting, Resetting

Setting, Upsetting, Resetting

If you want to be high in life, then just please do not be an obstacle in your way and move away from the front. The highest wall you will have to climb in life will be your own.

You can do anything if you sacrifice what you are, what you can become.

Most of us live in default mode, in other words ‘as is’. Understand the use of mobile phones that everyone is familiar with ‘factory setting’. When the mobile is unboxed, it is in this setting. The tampering you do with it changes the factory settings. Life also teases us and we are set or set by our early experiences, education, parents, friends and partners. Often live in the same setting. Gradually it becomes our default mode.

The default setting is so wonderful that many people spend their entire lives walking on glass, with bleeding feet and swollen fingers, but do not protest against this setting. By doing such a job, they tell a life in which there is nothing but humiliation and smallness, they get entangled in the silk of such relationships that hurt a lot, but they are dragged away. You must have seen many people around you who are set in their painful default setting and getting out of it seems like a great pain. And yes, we have strong reasons to be set in the same setting.

The thing to know is that you are bigger than your setting. Larger than your default setting and have the power to replace your entire wiring. Yes, of course, these steps can cause a lot of shocks, require tuning, and may even emit flames and smoke.

Some commands are set well in default settings. As if it is bad to fail, one must win somehow. That pain is a bad feeling, just somehow should be in fun. It is different that if you analyze your life, you will know that sometimes failure has opened great doors of insight and understanding for you and according to Rumi, when you feel hurt, light enters your body through that crack. Is. In the same way, most of us have the illusion of being strong and invincible, but if we open our eyes to ourselves, weakness and humility can also become a wonderful strength.

What is your default mode? What commands are you running? What needs to be set where and who needs to be set up?

The factory setting of man was told that man is cruel, ignorant, greedy, selfish, hungry, arrogant, boastful, self-inflicted, when trouble comes, he complains, when comfort is given to him. The fish of his arms begins to exhibit. If there is a boat in Manjadhar, it comes down to the manjat, and when it reaches land, it walks on the ground. A major purpose of the entire chain of prophets and guidance is to teach man to ‘reset’ himself. To achieve this goal, you have to control your instincts. If a person overcomes his instincts, then this is the time when he succeeds in breaking the biggest wall in his way. If you go out of your way, this wall can also be thrown by you.

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