Think about how to raise the child before marriage. Many will be surprised. Regarding my book “Father’s advice to children”, I have heard many people say that first I will be a father and then I will think about my children. Actually this thought is wrong. The time to plan for a baby is not after childbirth. The time to really think about the child is when it is time to choose the mother of the child. Mother plays the biggest role in raising a child. Mother’s education, behavior, understanding, thinking, life-world concept, depth of understanding of religion and deeds fall in the child’s life. The same applies to the father. But the influence of the mother is a little more. Because the child grows closely with the mother. So you have to think about the child considering who the child’s mother is. And in this case awareness and prudence should be introduced. Many want to capitalize on just, just the filial piety in this case. However, there are many instances where the mother may not play a proper role in the proper development of the child only if she is religious. Many emotional people cannot accept this. Because behind this emotion there is logistics in our society. Here, Islam or Deendarita means dress and appearance to many. It is said in the Qur’an that those among you who fear Allah the most are those who are wise. (If you want reference, read the entire Quran) One of the conditions of being religious is to be understanding about religion. This may seem complicated to many. So, filial piety as well as sound knowledge of the environment should be considered in selecting the mother of the child.
Religiously think about child before marriage
M Sowrav Ahmed
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