The Masnoon Duain in Arabic with English and Urdu Translation are many of the most important prayers of the day. These dua’s are the daily prayer offered by Muslims in Islam. When you say the Masnoon Duain, that means in ...
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Islamic Ethics in Advertising and Prophet Muhammad’s Business Insights
Islamic teachings provide a complete guide for ethical conduct in various aspects of life, including business practices and advertising. In this article, we will explore what Islam says about advertising and delve into stories from the life of Prophet Muhammad ...

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Hijrah and Migration in Islamic History
The story of the Prophet Muhammad Hijrah (Migration) was an important and historic event in Islamic history. The Hijrah marks the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Makkah to Madinah, and it keeps strong role in the establishment of ...

Overcoming Pornography Addiction: A Spiritual Journey in Islam
Pornography addiction is a widespread issue affecting young from various way of life, including Muslims. In Islam, spiritual growth and self-control are highly valued. In this article, we will explores how Muslims can stop looking at pornography addiction by understanding ...

Carrageenan: Uses, Halal Status, Production, and More
Carrageenan is a versatile food additive derived from specific types of red seaweed or algae. It plays a crucial role in the food industry due to its ability to enhance the texture, stability, and shelf life of various food products. ...

Understanding the Recent Escalation in Gaza: The Hamas Perspective
Introduction: Recently, the Gaza Strip has seen a significant escalation in hostilities between the Palestinian militant group Hamas and the state of Israel. This article aims to shed light on why Hamas decided to engage in this conflict. Background: The ...

Kosher Food: Understanding Its Significance, Preparation, and Price
Introduction: Kosher food is a term often associated with Jewish dietary laws, known as Kashrut. It signifies food that adheres to these specific regulations and is considered suitable for consumption by Jewish people who observe these dietary principles. In this ...

Marriage Someone to Other Faiths in Islam: Importance of Intentions
Introduction: Islam, as the ultimate way of life, guides Muslims in various aspects of their lives, including marriage. The intention (Niyyat) behind any action in Islam has a great impact. It shapes the acceptability and rewards of the deed in ...

Understanding Surgery: Its Process, Impact, and the Islamic Perspective on Plastic Surgery
Surgery is a crucial aspect of modern medicine, serving as a means to diagnose, treat, and correct various medical conditions and injuries. It includes a wide range of procedures, from minor interventions to complex surgeries, often performed under anesthesia. This ...

Understanding Zina in Islam: Definitions, Quranic References, and Prophetic Examples
Introduction: Zina in Islam refers to the act of sexual intercourse or relations between two who are not legally married to each other. This article explores the concept of Zina, its references in the Quran, potential medical side effects, and ...

Understanding Niqab, Modesty, and Islamic Burial Practices
Introduction: The topic of the niqab (a face veil) in Islam and related matters of modesty, cultural influences, and Islamic burial practices is multifaceted and subject to varying interpretations. This article will address these points one by one to provide ...