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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Hijrah and Migration in Islamic History

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Hijrah and Migration in Islamic History

The story of the Prophet Muhammad Hijrah (Migration) was an important and historic event in Islamic history. The Hijrah marks the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Makkah to Madinah, and it keeps strong role in the establishment of the Islamic community and the spread of Islam.

When the persecution against Muslims in Makkah started, Allah commanded them to migrate to a land where they could practice Islam religion freely. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw in a dream that he was immigrating to Madinah. This dream specify the chosen destination for the Hijrah.

The first companions to migration included Musab ibn Umayr, Ibn Umm Maktum, Ammar, Bilal, Saad, and later, Umar ibn Al-Khattab with twenty others. The Prophet (PBUH) himself came to Madinah, and the people of Madinah welcome Prophet upon his arrival.

The time when Abu Bakr, also prepared to leave for Madinah, but the Prophet (PBUH) asked him to wait. Abu Bakr patiently waited and, during this time, fed two camels for four months.

Eventually, the Prophet (PBUH) received permission to migrate, and Abu Bakr followed him during this journey. They reached a cave on the mountain of Thawr and stayed there for three nights. Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr, an intelligent youth, stayed with them, leaving before daybreak to keep an eye on potential threats.

The Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr also had an expert guide from the tribe of Banu Ad-Dayl. This guide, however, was trustworthy.

Suraqah ibn Malik, who wanted to harm, later on a miracle happen that prevented him from causing harm to the Prophet and Abu Bakr. He eventually informed them of the plans of the Quraysh.

The Muslims of Madinah was desperately waiting the arrival of the Prophet (PBUH) everyday. When the Prophet arrived, they greeted him joyously, and he stayed with Banu Amr ibn Awf for ten nights, establishing the Mosque of Quba’.

Later, the Prophet (PBUH) reached the location in Madinah where the Mosque of the Prophet stands today. He purchased the land from two orphan boys, Suhail and Sahl, refusing their offer to gift it. The Prophet actively participated in building the mosque, emphasizing the reward in the Hereafter for their efforts.

The Hijrah was a turning point, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar and the establishment of an Islamic society in Madinah. The support, and dedication of the early Muslim community played a crucial role in the success of the Hijrah and the subsequent growth of Islam.

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