The Masnoon Duain in Arabic with English and Urdu Translation are many of the most important prayers of the day. These dua’s are the daily prayer offered by Muslims in Islam. When you say the Masnoon Duain, that means in ...
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Compilation of the Holy Quran
Compilation of Quran: After the conferment of prophethood on the Holy prophet, Allah revealed at intervals so as to familiarise the Muslims with the commandments of Allah and enable them to follow these in practice and memorize them. Quran explained ...

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About Quran and Hadees: Overview and Difference
Hadees also spelled Hadith, are the sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) that have been preserved and transmitted by his companions and followers. Hadees are considered to be the second source of Islamic law and ...

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Surah Fatiha
●● سوره فاتحہ میں اللہ کے ساتھ حسن ظن رکھنے کا❄️ مشمولات سورہ فاتحہ ❄️ اعداد: سعود احمد مقصود المدني ………………………………… ❄️ سورہ فاتحہ درج ذیل مضامین کو شامل ھے: 1- توحید کے اقسام۔ 2- شکر الہی۔ 3- اللہ سے ...