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  1. Amna Rehman
    Amna Rehman Hafiza, Aaalima, M.A Urdu, M.Ed. 10 yrs exp.

    No music doesn't affect on wudu, only some specific actions will break your wudu, sleeping , passing wind and using toilet for stool and urine. If you have any doubt you can do again wudu after listening music, but it is not compulsory

    No music doesn’t affect on wudu, only some specific actions will break your wudu, sleeping , passing wind and using toilet for stool and urine. If you have any doubt you can do again wudu after listening music, but it is not compulsory

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  1. In Islam, wudu (ablution) is a ritual purification performed before certain acts of worship, such as prayer. Whether or not sleeping invalidates wudu depends on several factors, including the duration of sleep and the circumstances. Here are some points to consider regarding the impact of sleep on wRead more

    In Islam, wudu (ablution) is a ritual purification performed before certain acts of worship, such as prayer. Whether or not sleeping invalidates wudu depends on several factors, including the duration of sleep and the circumstances. Here are some points to consider regarding the impact of sleep on wudu:

    1. Minor Sleep: Minor sleep, where one dozes off briefly or unintentionally, does not invalidate wudu. This means that if you briefly close your eyes or nod off involuntarily, your wudu remains valid.
    2. Deep Sleep: Deep sleep, where one loses awareness of their surroundings, does invalidate wudu. When a person experiences deep sleep, they are considered to be in a state of impurity, and they need to renew their wudu before performing acts of worship.
    3. Duration of Sleep: The duration of sleep matters. According to some scholars, if you sleep for a brief period with your body still in an upright position (e.g., sitting or leaning against something), your wudu may remain valid. However, if you sleep lying down or reclining, even for a short period, it is generally considered to invalidate wudu.
    4. Exceptions: There are exceptions to the rule of deep sleep invalidating wudu. For example, if someone is in a state of janabah (major ritual impurity, usually due to sexual activity or nocturnal emission) and falls asleep, their wudu is not invalidated by sleep alone.
    5. Intentional Sleep: If you intentionally take a nap or go to sleep, your wudu is invalidated, regardless of the duration of sleep. You will need to renew your wudu before performing acts of worship.
    6. Uncertainty: In situations of uncertainty, it is recommended to renew wudu to ensure its validity before performing acts of worship. It’s better to be cautious and maintain ritual purity.
    7. Renewing Wudu: Renewing wudu is a simple process that involves washing specific body parts, such as the face, hands, mouth, nose, and feet, with water. It is performed to purify oneself before acts of worship like prayer.

    It’s important to note that interpretations of these rules may vary among different Islamic schools of thought. Some scholars may have slightly different views on whether and how sleep affects wudu. It’s advisable to follow the guidance of your particular school of thought or consult with a knowledgeable religious authority for specific questions related to wudu.

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  1. Yes...f you owe someone five hundred rupees and you give them a thousand, they will still be considered to have paid five hundred. Similarly, performing ablution (wudu) or taking a bath (ghusl) is separate, despite being done within the same act.

    Yes…f you owe someone five hundred rupees and you give them a thousand, they will still be considered to have paid five hundred. Similarly, performing ablution (wudu) or taking a bath (ghusl) is separate, despite being done within the same act.

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  1. Making wudu is an important ritual in Islam, which is a prerequisite for performing certain acts of worship, such as Salah (prayer). Here are the steps to perform wudu: Intention (Niyyah): Begin with a sincere intention in your heart to perform wudu for the purpose of worship. Say "Bismillah": BeginRead more

    Making wudu is an important ritual in Islam, which is a prerequisite for performing certain acts of worship, such as Salah (prayer). Here are the steps to perform wudu:

    1. Intention (Niyyah): Begin with a sincere intention in your heart to perform wudu for the purpose of worship.
    2. Say “Bismillah”: Begin with reciting “Bismillah”
    3. Wash Your Hands: Start by washing your hands up to the wrists three times. Make sure to wash between your fingers.
    4. Rinse Your Mouth: Take a small amount of water and swish it around in your mouth three times, ensuring that it reaches all areas of your mouth.
    5. Clean Your Nose: Inhale water slightly into your nostrils and then expel it out three times.
    6. Wash Your Face: Wash your face from the hairline to the chin and from ear to ear, making sure to wash the entire surface three times.
    7. Wash Your Arms: Start with the right arm, washing from the fingertips up to and including the elbow three times. Then, repeat with the left arm.
    8. Wipe Your Head: Wet your hands and pass them over your head from the forehead to the back of the head, and then back to the forehead.
    9. Wipe Your Ears: Using your wet index fingers, wipe the inside and outside of your ears with your thumbs behind your ears.
    10. Wash Your Feet: Begin with the right foot, washing from the toes up to and including the ankles three times. Repeat with the left foot.
    11. Ensure All Body Parts are Washed Thoroughly: Each part should be washed three times, and it’s important to ensure that no part is left dry.
    12. Maintain Order: Always follow the proper order of the steps.
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  1. There are four obligatory acts in ablution as stated in holy Quran. wash the face wash both hands upto knees 3. to rub the forth portion of head with wet hand wash both feet upto ankle

    There are four obligatory acts in ablution as stated in holy Quran. wash the face wash both hands upto knees

    3. to rub the forth portion of head with wet hand wash both feet upto ankle

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