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  1. Balsamic vinegar (Italian: aceto balsamico) is a dark, concentrated, strongly flavored vinegar originating from Modena, Italy, made in whole or in part from grapes: freshly pressed grape juice with all skins, seeds and stems. Balsamic vinegar, since it is no longer intoxicating, is considered halal.Read more

    Balsamic vinegar (Italian: aceto balsamico) is a dark, concentrated, strongly flavored vinegar originating from Modena, Italy, made in whole or in part from grapes: freshly pressed grape juice with all skins, seeds and stems.

    Balsamic vinegar, since it is no longer intoxicating, is considered halal. A Muslim is allowed to buy balsamic vinegar from a non-Muslim who sells it

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  1. Yes, wine vinegar is generally considered Halal because the fermentation process transforms alcohol into acetic acid, removing its intoxicating properties. However, it's essential to check the source and production methods to ensure there are no Haram (forbidden) additives or processes involved.

    Yes, wine vinegar is generally considered Halal because the fermentation process transforms alcohol into acetic acid, removing its intoxicating properties. However, it’s essential to check the source and production methods to ensure there are no Haram (forbidden) additives or processes involved.

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